Overview - Capital Planning |
Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning |
State of Good Repair (SGR) and the Capital Planning module help transit agencies meet the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA’s) initiative to track the SGR for transits across the United States. The FTA will use the information to determine how to allocate capital funding across a wide range of geographies and priorities. It has not, however, determined the type of reporting required for SGR and condition ratings.
Transit agencies need to know the current condition of each asset and how that condition affects the asset's remaining life. The Capital Planning module is designed to be the repository for capital asset replacement data that results in more efficient management of SGR data, improved capital planning, and easier reporting to the FTA. It considers all aspects of a transit property: rolling stock (bus, rail, non-revenue), maintenance of way (track, linear), facilities (stationary), and information technology assets.
The Capital Planning module includes the following features:
Track manual condition assessments of equipment and automate those assessments
Equipment condition settings provide scores based on condition ID
Condition IDs can be restricted by asset category
More condition settings to track equipment units
Algorithm calculates the overall condition of a higher-level (parent) asset based on the manual or automated condition assessments of its child assets. For example, the overall condition of a rail car is affected by the conditions of critical components
Build data criteria for multiple score components by generating an SGR or condition rating that is flexible, user-defined, data-focused, and transparent
Provides minimum and expected dates and meter information for rehabilitation versus replacement
Enables the creation of capital plans that consist of multiple capital projects that identify funding sources, risks, benefits, attributes, approval process, budget and schedule