Related Work Orders |
The Related Work Orders tab enables you to associate specific line item costs with specific work orders.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on requisition ID, location, vendor, status, purchase type, approval, employee ID (requester, buyer), to/from dates, and equipment ID, among other values.
Note: Unless you specify a header status, filtering on equipment ID returns all items in all statuses that apply to that ID.
Location level security applies to this tab; go to location level control for more information.
The field in the top section of the Related Work Orders tab is display only from the Basic Info tab.
Requisition ID
Identifier of the requisition either being defined or that is currently selected in the grid. The requisition description displays to the right of the field.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab provide information about the line items on the requisition.
To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.
Note: You cannot delete a line item that has been received.
Line number
Line item number. This field is required. Must be greater than or equal to 1 and match the line item number of a row on the Line Items tab.
WO location
Identifier of the shop where the work is being performed. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
The year (in YYYY format) printed on the work order. This field is optional.
The work order number. This field has a list box. If a work order number is included, the work order must have a status of OPEN, PENDING, or WORK FINISHED. This field is optional.
Quantity of the line item applying to this work order. For COMMERCIAL line items, this value must be zero. For all other line item types, it must be greater than zero. In addition, for all line item types other than COMMERCIAL, the quantity for a given line item must be less than or equal to the quantity listed on the Line Items tab. This field is required.
Task ID
Identifier associated with the task. If entered, must be active and be of type REPAIR GROUP, REPAIR TASK, PM SERVICE, or INSPECTION. This field has a list box. The choice list displays tasks already on the work order followed by tasks that apply to the equipment asset group. Optional.
Note: You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order.
Task IDs are assigned to task types on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.
Task description
Description of the task. Auto-populates based on the task ID specified.
Work accomplished code
Code for work that is to be completed on the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit. If a work order ID is entered, this field auto-populates. If you specify an equipment ID, it must be active and valid for work orders and must match the work order equipment ID if a work order is entered. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Department ID
Identifier of the department to which the work order applies. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Note: If a work order is entered, must match the department on the work order.
Account ID
Identifier of the general accounting system account to charge for the usage. It does not have to match the ID listed on the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Financial project code
The Financial project code choicelist allows the user to select from active Financial Project Codes or Usage Tickets. Once selected, the description of the chosen code will populate in the description field.
For more information, see Financial Project Codes.
Labor cost
Cost of labor to be provided by the vendor (including sales tax, if any). Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or higher. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is optional.
Labor cost taxable
If this field has a check, the sales tax on labor is computed and added to the amount in the Labor cost field.
If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial labor field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, this field is checked automatically, but you can remove it.
Sales tax rate
If there is a check in the Labor cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for commercial labor. This field supports two digits to the left of the decimal and four digits to the right. It is display only.
The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.
Sales tax rate for the location, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Rates and Markups tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.
Sales tax rate for the vendor, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. This is the sales tax rate (as a percentage) for the vendor of the line item.
System-wide sales tax rate (as a percentage) specified in the Sales tax rate field on Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Sales tax settings are specified on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Labor hours
Labor hours provided by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or higher. The maximum field length is four characters. This field is optional.
Parts cost
Cost of parts to be provided by the vendor. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or higher. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is optional.
Parts cost taxable
If this field has a check, the sales tax on parts is computed and added to the amount in the Parts cost field.
If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial parts field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, this field is checked automatically, but you can remove it.
Sales tax rate
If there is a check in the Parts cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for commercial parts. This field supports two digits to the left of the decimal and four digits to the right. It is display only.
The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.
Sales tax rate for the location, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Rates and Markups tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.
Sales tax rate for the vendor, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. This is the sales tax rate (as a percentage) for the vendor of the line item.
System-wide sales tax rate (as a percentage) specified by the Sales tax rate field on Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Sales tax settings are specified on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Misc cost
Other costs that cannot be categorized as either labor or parts. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If provided, must be zero or higher. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is optional.
The Work Orders - More Info tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen specifies the maximum dollar amount, if any, that may be entered for miscellaneous costs.
Note: Miscellaneous costs are stored in the CML_MAIN table in the MISC_COST column.
Misc cost taxable
If this field has a check, miscellaneous costs are subject to an appropriate sales tax that the application added to the Misc cost field.
If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial misc field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, a check displays in this field automatically, but you can remove it.
Sales tax rate
If there is a check in the Misc cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for miscellaneous costs. This field supports two digits to the left of the decimal and four digits to the right. It is display only.
The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.
Sales tax rate for the location, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Rates and Markups tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.
Sales tax rate for the vendor, specified in the Sales tax rate field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. This is the sales tax rate (as a percentage) for the vendor of the line item.
System-wide sales tax rate (as a percentage) specified in the Sales tax rate field on Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.
Est total cost
Displays the sum of the Labor cost, Parts cost, and Misc cost fields. Applies only to COMMERCIAL line items. If the individual costs were not specified, you can type the total cost in this field. If provided, must be zero or higher. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is optional.
Estimated total tax amt
Estimated total tax amount. Equal to parts*(part tax rate/100) + labor*(labor tax rate/100) + misc*(misc tax rate/100).
Service request ID
Identifier of the service request associated with the work order. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Service requests are assigned to work orders on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. Service requests are assigned to linear work orders on the Service Requests/Defects tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Linear Work Order screen.
Tip: This information is useful if you use service requests to track detailed 3C (complaint, cause, correction) data. If you specify ORDER on a part request that has a service request ID assigned to it, the service request ID will be carried throughout the order, receipt, and issue process.