How to set up conversion factors |
Units of measure (UOM) are used to order parts, receive parts, and issue parts. Each UOM listed on a purchase order or receipt must be associated with the base UOM of the parts location that requested the item. The system applies user-defined conversion factors to convert the UOM listed on the purchase order or receipt to the parts location’s base UOM.
For example, a parts location counts parts individually, but parts are received by the box, case, and dozen. To convert the units of measure on the purchase order (i.e., BOX, CASE, and DOZEN) to the parts location’s base unit of measure (i.e., EACH), you need to record the applicable the conversion factors (10, 24, and 12, respectively).
In Enterprise Purchasing, the purchase/issue factor on the Vendor/Part Information screen was replaced by the Units of Measure screen. FASuite uses the information recorded on the Units of Measure screen to automatically convert receipt UOMs to part location UOMs when parts are received.
Before you start managing parts BY ENTERPRISE, you need to set up conversion factors for each purchase/issue factor that you use. For example, your parts come in boxes of 10, 12, and 20. You use the Units of Measure screen to define the UOM by which you store and issue parts (e.g., BX10, BX12, and BX20), the unit of measure (e.g., EACH), and the conversion factors (e.g., BX).
Step 1. Go to the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Units of Measure screen.
Step 2. If you are defining a new conversion factor for an existing UOM, filter on the existing UOM and then click the Prepare for Update button . Go to step 7.
Step 3. If you are defining a new base UOM as well as its conversion factors, click the Prepare for Insert button .
Step 4. In the Unit of Measure field, enter the base UOM for the parts location or select it from the drop-down list.
Note: Each (EA) is the most common base UOM.
Step 5. Click the Process button .
Step 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each new UOM you want to add.
Step 7. In the Conversions between this unit of measure and others screen group, identify the units of measure and respective conversion factors that you want associated with the base UOM.
Note: Do not define conversion factors for UOMs that are used only for purchasing or receiving.
a. In the Unit of Measure field, enter the UOM that you want converted to the base UOM or select it from the drop-down list. For example, if parts are packaged in boxes, you would enter BOX in this field.
Note: Each UOM must be unique. For example, you cannot have one BOX with a conversion factor of 5 and second BOX with a conversion factor of 10. Instead, you would need a UOM of BOX10 with a conversion factor of 10 and a UOM of BOX5 with a conversion factor of 5.
b. In the Factor field, enter the factor that FASuite will use to convert the specified UOM to the base UOM or select it from the drop-down list. For example, if a box contains 10 parts, you would enter 10 in this field.
Note: The default is 1.00, but you can enter smaller factors (e.g., .25). The maximum field length is nine characters, which includes two decimal places.
Step 8. Click the Process button .