Comments |
The Comments tab displays comments related to the work scheduled for completion in the bay.
The fields in the top section of the tab display information from the work order. The fields are read only.
Work order ID
Three-part field containing the work order ID. The first part identifies the location of the work order’s assigned shop. The second part is the year the work order was opened. The third part is the work order number.
Job status
Status of the job.
Current work delay
Identifier of the type of work delay. The unlabeled field to the right displays the record type.
The bottom section of the tab includes two free-form text fields that may provide more information about the work order or task. These fields are display only.
Task comments
Free-form text field that provides more information about the task (information is from the task on the work order).
Work order comments
Free-form text field that displays the comments (if any) printed on the work order.