Stock Status Upgrade |
The Stock Status Upgrade screen enables you to display the status of parts stock and upgrade the status of parts that meet upgrade criteria. The screen displays only those parts that have a stock status of ON DEMAND - PROMOTABLE for the specified location and meet the specified criteria for promotion to STOCKED. The parts that display on the stock status upgrade screen are based on the criteria, but these include only the previous months, not the current month.
Note: This screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
If location security is in effect, users can only get data and update promotable parts from the locations specified for their user group.
If location security is not in effect, users can view the promotable parts from any location.
If the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies BY LOCATION or ENTERPRISE, the software applies location level access control to this screen.
To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink:
Information about the status of parts stock
Specifies which stock statuses to upgrade
For a part to be able to upgrade, the following information must be true for that part:
The purchase type allows for upgrade: Only Enterprise purchase orders that have a purchase type with the Apply to upgrade criteria for stock status upgrade checkbox checked are looked at by the system.
The part is able to be upgraded: The part must be ON DEMAND - PROMOTABLE.
There were more parts ordered than what is allowed: The appropriate time frame (in months) for the part quantity ordered threshold must be set on the Locations screen. The months used to determine the time range to look at come from the Location settings.
If these date conditions are met, then the part is now able to be upgraded.
Stock Status Upgrade Criteria for Purchase Orders for Parts
Get Count of Order where Ordered Date is between StartDate and EndDate.
End Date: Using today's date, find the last day of the prior month
StartDate: EndDate - options defined months to look prior
Lines without an Order Date are excluded (such as PENDING or CLOSED statuses).
Cross references will not be included.
Stock Status Upgrade Criteria for Issue for Parts
Get Count of Issues where date is between StartDate and EndDate.
EndDate: Using today's date, find the last day of the prior month
StartDate: EndDate - options defined months to look prior