Application Monitor |
The Application Monitor screen enables you to define and display information about the application server session to which you are connected. You may delete both historical and active entries.
To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on IP address, port, application status, and number of hours since last update.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Application identifier
Identifier of the application you are currently connected to.
Data in the bottom section of the tab display information about the current session of the application server to which you are connected. Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are display only.
This client currently connected to this instance
This box is checked if the client is connected to the instance.
IP address
Internet protocol address of the machine on which the application is running.
TCP/IP port number of the application.
Process ID
Identifier of the NT process currently used by the application.
Current status of the application.
Date and time started
Date and time that the application was last started.
Current uptime
Length of time that the application has been running.
Date and time last updated
Date and time that the information on this tab was last updated.
Tip: When the application server is started, all history rows that were last updated 30 or more days ago are deleted.
Language ID
English: en
German: de
French: fr
Spanish: es
If this field has a check, all users are disconnected and the application is shut down. If the application was running as a service (FA_SRV.EXE), it restarts automatically. This field is optional.
Logging mode
If this field has a check, the processed transactions are logged. This field is optional.
Verbose log level
Use this field to set the verbose log level. The verbose level is the amount of information recorded in the Activity Log. 0 is normal logging. If you enter 0, the expiration is cleared. If you enter a level of 1, 2, or 3, the default verbose expiration is set as 24 hours from now.
Verbose logging expires
Must be a valid future time and date and can only be set if verbose log level is greater than 0. This field is optional.
Log current client session
To log in to the client machine instead of the server, place a check in the box. This field is optional.
Maximum connections allowed
Maximum number of connections allowed for this session of the application. To prevent additional connections, specify a number equal to or less than the number in the Current connection count field. This field is optional.
Current connection count
Number of GUIs (graphic user interfaces) connected to an application. It should be a one-to-one count. One connection to the application represents one connection in this field.
Maximum connection count
Maximum number of user connections since the current application session started.
Database connection count
Number of connections between all FA_APP sessions and the database. This field does not necessarily reflect a one-to-one count between GUI sessions and database connections.