Description and Costs (Accidents) |
The Description and Costs tab for accidents enables you to describe the accident and its associated costs.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on accident ID, equipment ID, operator ID, claim status, or license number.
Accident ID
Identifier of the accident currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box.
Date and time entered
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY format) that the accident was entered. This field is display only.
Entered by
Identifier of the user who entered the accident. The user name displays to the right of the ID. This field is display only.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the accident. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Internal cost
Estimated: Estimated cost of the damage to property owned by the organization, in dollars only. This field is optional.
Actual: Actual cost of the damage to property owned by the organization, in dollars only. This field is optional.
Description: Description of the damage to property owned by the organization. This field is optional.
External cost
Estimated: Estimated cost of the damage to property owned by others, in dollars only. This field is optional.
Actual: Actual cost of the damage to property owned by others, in dollars only. This field is optional.
Description: Description of the damage to property owned by others. This field is optional.
Accident description
Description of the accident. This is an optional, free-format area.
Accident write-off buyback
Once the insurance company has decided whether it will buy back or write-off the equipment unit, this field specifies whether your organization has decided to:
B: Buy the equipment unit back (repair and put into use again)
W: Accept the write-off.
Because this field is optional, you can enter any value to use however you want.
Accident buy back amount
Amount of the buy back. This field is optional.
Subrogation amount
Accident costs reimbursed by an insurance company.