Schedule |
The Schedule tab enables you to record schedule information.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on capital project ID, description, capital project type ID, capital project status ID, capital program ID, and capital priority ID, among other values.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Capital project ID
Identifier of the capital project currently displayed in the grid or that you are defining. Maximum field length is 30 characters. May include some special characters (such as an ampersand: &). This field has a list box. The project description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.
Note: If auto-numbering is enabled, a project ID is generated automatically when a project type is entered. Automatic numbering for project types is activated on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Capital Project Types screen.
Total project length (months)
The length of the project, in months. Calculated as (latest "planned completion date" - earliest "planned start date")/30. Duration is automatically rounded to two decimal places. This field is display only.
Note: If the planned completion date, planned start date, or both are 0, the current date and time are used.
Apply inflation factor to phase budgets
If this field has a check, the base inflation factor is applied to each phase.
The line inflation is compared to the yearly inflation factor from the Basic Info tab. If the inflation values match, the adjusted budget is calculated. If the inflation values do not match, the line value is set to the yearly inflation factor from the Basic Info tab and the adjusted budget is calculated
The fields in the screen group provide more information about the schedule.
Delete: If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Project phase ID: Identifier of the project phase. This field has a list box. This field is required.
Original Budget: The amount budgeted for the project phase. This amount must be greater than or equal to zero.
Adjusted Budget: The adjusted budget is the value of the budget after the inflation factor has been applied.
Planned start date: Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the project phase is scheduled to begin.
Actual start date: Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the project phase began.
Planned completion date: Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the project phase is scheduled to be completed.
Actual completion date: Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the project phase was completed.
Comment area: Comments regarding the project phase. Maximum field length is 100 characters.
Inflation factor applied: Inflation factor applied to the budget. Defaults to 0000.00. May not be less than zero.
Date and time factor applied: Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HH:MM format) that the inflation factor was applied. May be blank.