Notes |
The Notes tab enables you to view and record notes regarding the purchase order or individual line items. If there are notes associated with the purchase order, this tab displays in the alert color specified on Preferences -> Color Setup. Information on this tab may be edited on CLOSED purchase orders.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on purchase order ID, location, vendor ID or invoice number, status, date (or date range), employee ID (requester, buyer, orderer), and equipment ID, among other values.
Note: Unless you specify a header status, filtering on equipment ID returns all items in all statuses that apply to that ID.
The Purchase Orders screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of the Notes tab is display only from the Basic Info tab.
Purchase order ID
Identifier of the purchase order either being defined or that is currently selected in the grid. The description displays to the right of the field.
The fields in the bottom section of this tab enable you to view or add notes about the purchase order. Once a note has been entered, it may not be changed or deleted.
Text field that displays previously entered notes. Includes the creation date and time as well as the user ID of the person who entered the note. This field is display only.
Line number
Line item number to which the note applies. This field is optional.
Tip: If line number is 0, the system inserts “APPLIES TO HEADER” in the note text. If line number is 1 or higher, the system inserts “APPLIES TO LINE NUMBER #” in the note text.
Add a new note
Free-form text field in which you can type notes regarding the purchase order or line item. This field is optional.
Tip: If the note applies to a specific line item, be sure to type the line item number in the Line number field. Notes may not be edited once they are recorded.