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Equipment Manufacturers

The Equipment Manufacturers screen enables you to view and define equipment unit manufacturers and the models associated with them. You also can deactivate manufacturers. You are required to associate models with manufacturers. Equipment manufacturer and model IDs must be entered prior to entering equipment units.  

Detail View Header

Manufacturer ID

Equipment unit manufacturer currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. Required if the Name field has a value. This field has a list box. If the manufacturer is already defined, its name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View


Name of the manufacturer in the Manufacturer ID field, if entering a new ID. This field is optional.

Number of days to submit warranty claim

Number of days that the manufacturer allows between the time that work is completed on an equipment unit and the date that the warranty claim is submitted for that work. Supports functionality in Web Modules. Maximum field length is five characters. This field is optional.


If this field has a check, the manufacturer is active. A manufacturer must be active to be used on the Fleet Equipment, Equipment Types, and Components - Primary Info screens.

Models Screen Group Data Table

The following fields, presented in the Models screen group, record model names associated with the manufacturer and enable you to specify whether the manufacturer supports the warranty on preventive maintenance (PM). Make a new entry for each model associated with a manufacturer.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.

Model ID

Identifier of the equipment unit model. This field has a maximum character limit of 30.

Model name

Name of the model. This field is display only. This field has a maximum character limit of 60.

PM under warranty

If this field has a check, the manufacturer supports the warranty on preventive maintenance work for the specified model.

If warranty is supported, you may mark PM and inspection services as under equipment warranty. All tasks and services marked as under equipment warranty are included on the generated warranty claim.


If this field has a check, the model is active. A model must be active to be used on the Fleet Equipment, Equipment Types, and Components - Primary Info screens.