Fuel System Description |
The Fuel System Description tab enables you to define descriptive information about the fuel system, including the transaction formats, record lengths, and date formats.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Fuel system ID
Valid identifier of the fuel system for which you are defining descriptive information. Numeric. This field has a choice list of previously defined fuel system IDs that have a check in the System available field. The system name displays to the right of the ID.
To define a fuel system, use the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Automated Fuel Systems screen.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab describe the automated fuel system. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Name that describes the fuel system in the Fuel system ID field.
System available
If this field has a check, the fuel system is installed and will display in choice lists that support selection of the currently active fuel system. To maximize efficiency, place a check in this field only for fuel systems you want to appear in the choice lists.
Transaction format
Format the fuel system uses for transactions. This field has a choice list:
FIXED: Records that contain fixed-length fields, with possibly a single variable-length message field as the last field of the record.
COMMA-SEPARATED: Records that contain a fixed number of fields, but the fields are of variable length and separated by commas.
Transaction record length
Minimum and maximum lengths of transaction records that the fuel system emits for processing. For systems that always emit fixed length records, these values are the same.
Length of the shortest valid transaction record. Records that are shorter than this value are skipped.
Length of the longest valid transaction record. This value is used only if the Transactions separated by newline characters checkbox does not contain a check.
Transactions separated by newline characters
Check: A newline character (hex 0a on UNIX systems, hex 0d0a on Windows NT systems) delimits each transaction record.
Blank: Values in the Transaction record length/Minimum and Transaction record length/Maximum fields must be equal.
Skip transactions beginning with
Sequence of one or more characters (up to 50) which uniquely identify the first characters in records the fuel system emits that are not valid transactions and which the system therefore skips. A semicolon separates the sequences; do not embed spaces before or after the semicolon unless the sequence begins or ends with a space.
Date format
Date listed on input files for automated fueling. This field has a choice list:
MM: Month (2 digits. EXAMPLE: 01 for January)
MON: Month (3 characters. EXAMPLE: JAN for January)
DD: Day of month
DDD: Day of year
Y: Year (1 digit. EXAMPLES: 199x or 200x)
YY: Year (2 digits. EXAMPLES: 19xx or 20xx)
YYYY: Year (4 digits)
Note: The full 4-digit year is calculated for date formats that include Y or YY. For Y dates, the specified value is appended to the decade of the current system date (today). For YY dates, 20xx is used for YY values less than 50 and 19xx is used for YY values greater than 49.
Time format
Time listed on input files for automated fueling. This functionality works best if your input format is fixed width, or if the time is a separate field in a comma-separated format. For comma-separated formats where the time is included as part of the date, the time is not processed. Instead, it is to 00:00:01 in the fuel ticket date.
This field has a choice list:
NONE: Time is set to 00:00:01
Note: NONE is the default format for converted fuel systems.
HHMM: Hours and minutes in 24-hour format
HH:MM: Hours and minutes in 24-hour format, with colon delimeter
HHMM PM: Hours and minutes in 12-hour format
HH:MM PM: Hours and minutes in 12-hour format, with colon delimeter