Movement |
The Movement tab for tanks displays information about the movement of fuel and fluids (e.g., activity at the tank). It contains summary data for all locations at which the fuel or fluid is stocked. The data is sorted first by descending year, and then by descending month.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on tank ID, location ID, fuel/fluid type, and underground account.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Tank ID
Identifier of the tank currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box.
The fields in the box in the bottom section of the tab display information about fuel movement during the time period specified. All fields are display only.
Note: Effective with Release 6.4.3, all fuel and fluid quantities support three decimal places (i.e., 14,3).
The month to which the information in the columns to the right pertain.
The year to which the information in the columns to the right pertain.
Order quantity
Quantity of the fuel or fluid that was ordered during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Order value
Value of the orders for the fuel or fluids during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Receipt quantity
Sum of the amount of the fuel or fluid received in the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Receipt value
Sum of the value of the fuel or fluid received in the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Issue quantity
Sum of the quantities of the fuel or fluid issued from the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Issue value
Sum of the values of the fuel or fluid issued from the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Adjust quantity
Sum of the quantities of the adjustments to quantities of fuel or fluid made for the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Adjust value
Sum of the values of the adjustments to the value of fuel or fluid made for the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Transfer in quantity
Sum of the quantities of fuel or fluid transferred into the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Transfer in value
Sum of the values of transfers of fuel or fluid into the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Transfer out quantity
Sum of the quantities of fuel or fluid transferred out of the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.
Transfer out value
Sum of the values of transfers of fuel or fluid out of the tank during the month and year in the Month and Year fields.