Pumps |
The Pumps tab enables you to assign a pump to a pump group and record information about the pump, such as ID, channel, pulse ratio, pump group, and whether it accepts credit card transactions.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on site ID, ICU number, and ICU type.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
Site ID
Identifier of the tank site currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field is required. Must be a valid fueling site location. This field has a list box. The site description displays to the right of the ID. Site IDs are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fueling Sites screen.
ICU number
Identifier of the island control unit (ICU). This field is required. Must be 1 or higher. The site ID and ICU number combination must be unique.
Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters
Click the Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters button to obtain setup parameters from the ICU.
The screen group in the bottom section of the tab enables you to record information about the pump, such as ID, channel, pulse ratio, pump group, and whether it accepts credit card transactions. All fields are optional.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Pump ID
Identifier of the pump. The Pump IDs attached to this ICU (this field has two numeric characters maximum length, and there cannot be leading zeros).
When a valid pump ID is entered, the tank and product information is completed automatically. This field is display only.
A unique number that maps the ICU to the specific pump. Must be unique. Defaults to zero. An exception to this rule is when a multi-pump dispenser (MPD) is configured. The channel will be the same for the product assigned to the MPD channel for the pump, with the dispenser channel having a unique channel.
MPD Channel
Number that identifies the multiple product dispenser (MPD) channel. Must be unique. May be zero (indicates that the channel is not an MPD setup) or a negative number. The ICU does not accept alphabetic characters.
Note: In a multiple pump configuration, one pump has multiple nozzles to dispense different products.
Handle type
Type of handle on the ICU. Defaults to 0.
Pulse ratio
The ratio is based on the pump type; should be either 10 or 100.
Note: Ask your on-site FuelFocus installer for the recommended setting. Most are set to 10.
Pump group
Identifier of a subset of pumps at an ICU. Pumps in the same group turn on when fuel is authorized. Typically, these other pumps issue fluids, such as oil or antifreeze. If you need to group pumps or hoses on an ICU such that only a subset of pumps is turned on during a pre-authorization process, you can assign them to different pump groups. Assigning pumps to groups tells the ICU which ones to activate. Defaults to 0 (there is no hose group and all pumps will act independently of each other). If your organization does not use pump groups, all pumps will be in pump group 0.
Note: A pump may only be specified once on an ICU, so it may only be in one pump group.
If this field has a check, the pump is active on the ICU.
If this field has a check, the pump is only used to return fuel to the tank. When the ICU sends quantities for the pump, FuelFocus processes them as a reversal on a fuel transaction.
Note: Defueling refers to pumps being set up to remove fuel from a vehicle's tank and put it back into the main tank (inventory).
Enable generic credit card transactions
If this field has a check, the ICU accepts credit card transactions.
Dedicated fuel card ID
Identifier of the fuel card. Enter a fuel card ID if you want a dedicated pump to always be recorded against a specific fuel card. Must be numeric and may not be zero (0).
Note: You cannot reuse a number that has been used for an equipment unit, employee, or operator.