Tanks |
The Tanks tab enables you to correlate the system tank IDs to Veeder-Root tank numbers.
Veeder-Root can only assign tank numbers 1 through 8 or 1 through 16 to the monitoring connections. The system, however, allows more than 16 tanks at a given location. Because the Veeder-Root interface may have a different tank ID than the one assigned to it in the system, you can use this tab to associate the Veeder-Root tank ID with the system tank ID.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on site ID, ICU number, and ICU type.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
Site ID
Identifier of the tank site currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field is required. Must be a valid fueling site location. This field has a list box. The site description displays to the right of the ID.
Site IDs are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fueling Sites screen.
ICU number
Identifier of the island control unit (ICU). This field is required. Must be 1 or higher without leading zeros. The site ID and ICU number combination must be unique.
Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters
Click the Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters button to obtain setup parameters from the ICU.
The fields in the screen group in the bottom section of this tab enable you to associate Veeder-Root tank IDs with the system tank IDs. All fields are optional.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Veeder Root tank number
Identifying number of the tank in Veeder-Root. The number assigned must be either 1 through 8 or 1 through 16.
Note: The Veeder-Root system does not physically support tank numbers other than 1 through 16.
Tank ID
Identifier of the tank in the system. Any number may be assigned, although it must be unique. Leading zeros and alphabetic characters are not allowed. Maximum field length is four characters.