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Fluid/Product Types

The Fluid/Product Types screen enables you to display and define fluids (e.g., engine oil) and products (e.g., car washes) that can be issued to equipment units to replenish their normal operating supplies or maintain them. For fluid IDs, you can specify the fluid type, unit price, and part ID under which you stock the fluid.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of the tab defines the data that displays.

Fluid/product ID

Identifier of the fluid or product currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box.

Detail View

Data in the bottom section of this tab define the cost, part ID, and type of the fluid or product specified in the Fluid ID field. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


Description of the fluid type. Maximum field length is 60 characters. This field is optional.

Current price

Current price to charge the equipment unit for each unit of the fluid or product issued. This price applies only if the Part ID field is blank.

Part ID

Valid part number of the fluid or product. The ID is associated with the part suffix. This field has a list box. You can link by part ID or track by tank.

If this field contains an entry, the unit price is obtained from the inventory record of this part at the location associated with the tank ID specified on the Internal Fuel Tickets screen.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. The part suffix you enter must be valid for the value you enter in the Part ID field. This field is optional.

Fluid/product type

Type of fluid or product. This field has a list box:

Track inventory through tank

If this field has a check, inventory is tracked through the tank. You have the option of tracking by tank or linking by part ID.