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How to update data entries

Step 1.   Access the appropriate screen from the FASuite menu.

Step 2.   Display the data you want to update. (See How to display data entries or How to display data entries on screens that require information in the filter.)

Step 3.  In the grid section, select the row that contains the data you want to change.

The information for that row populates the fields in the tabs.

Step 4.  To unlock the data from the database, click the Prepare for update button or select Update Record from the Action menu.

Step 5.  Position the cursor in a field that contains information you want to change.

Step 6.  Type the new information in the field (if information already exists in the field, type the new information over it).

Step 7.  Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field of each tab that contains information you want to change.

Step 8.  To process the insertion, click the Process button or select Save Record from the Action menu.

FASuite displays the updated information. (If you used the filter to restrict the display and the update does not conform to the restrictions, the updated information does not display in the grid.)


See Also

Online Help for individual screens

Getting help on parts of the screen

System essentials

Reference information