Leasing Company |
The Leasing Company tab enables you to display and specify information about the company from which vehicles are leased.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on lease ID, number of months in lease term, and default insurance rate ID.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Lease ID
Identifier of the lease agreement currently selected in the grid or which you are defining. For vehicles, this is frequently referred to as a Schedule A. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, the agreement description displays to the right of the ID.
The data in the fields at the bottom section of this tab display and define information about the company. All fields are optional.
Name of the company from which the organization leases the vehicle.
Contact name
Name of the person to contact regarding the lease agreement.
Address ID
Identifier of the address used for the lease agreement. If an address ID is entered, the address ID information will be used instead of address lines 1-4. Detailed address information for address IDs is set up on the Addresses screen.
Address of the leasing company. Free-format area.
Line 2
Address of the leasing company. Free-format area.
Line 3
Address of the leasing company. Free-format area.
Line 4
Address of the leasing company. Free-format area.
Email address
E-mail address of the leasing company.
Phone number of the contact person. Free-format area.
Fax number. Free format area.