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The Bins screen enables you to define bin location IDs at a parts location.

The screen has one tab, Basic Info. The field in the top section of the tab enables you to create an bin ID and associate it with a location.

Detail View Header

Bin ID

Identifier of the bin currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. Maximum field length is 20 characters. This field has a list box. If the bin already exists, its description displays to the right of the field. This field is required.

Location ID

Identifier of the location associated with the bin. This field has a list box. The location description displays to the right of the field. This field is required.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab enable you to describe the bin and specify whether it is active.


Free-form text field in which you can type the name of the attribute. Maximum field length is 30 characters.


If this field has a check, the bin is active.

Bin type

List box that identifies the type of Bin.

Shipping Information

Shipping Information supports the bin type of SHIPPING. Shipping Information data are optional and validate when entered.

Is Returnable

If a shipping bin is returnable, check this check box. It can be set only if the bin type is SHIPPING. Returnable shipping bins must have a related serialized part to track as part of the process.

Destination Location ID

Destination Location ID is used to lock shipping bins that will be sent to a location so that only items being sent to that location can go in the bin. This field is optional and can only be set if the bin type is SHIPPING. If a location is entered, it must be valid. If you move parts into a shipping bin that does not have a current destination location, the Destination Location ID will be set based on the Transfer Request to Location. Destination Location ID is cleared when non-returnable shipping bins have no other pending transfers.

Related part ID

This field is the part ID of the shipping bin and is set when the part is selected. It can only be set if the bin type is SHIPPING and Is Returnable is checked. If entered, it must be valid.

Related part suffix

This field is the part suffix of the shipping bin. It can only be set if the bin type is SHIPPING. If entered, it must be valid.

Related serial number

This field is the serial number of the shipping bin. It can only be set if the bin type is SHIPPING and Is Returnable is checked. If entered, it must be valid.

Related transfer ID

This field is used to determine if there is a pending transfer for the bin's serialized part. It cannot be edited on this screen. To edit this field, you must navigate to the Return Shipping Bins page in the Storekeeper Portal.