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Tables and the data they contain


The following is a partial list of tables and the data that they contain.

Table Name and Description

ACT_MAIN  Account IDs

CBK_MAIN  Equipment comebacks

CML_MAIN  Commercial parts and labor reported on work orders

CMP_ASSIGN  Component relationships history

DES_MAIN  Task codes, including repair groups, repair tasks, PM services, PM tasks, and inspection services

DPT_MAIN  Department IDs

EMP_MAIN  Employee IDs

EQA_MAIN  Equipment assignment history

EQ_COST_DATA  Accumulated user and shop downtime

EQ_FUELTYPE  Fuel types associated with units. The first fuel type listed for the equipment unit is included in the report

EQ_MAIN  Equipment Primary data

EQ_METER_READ  Date and source of each meter reading update

EQ_POS  Equipment unit positions as recorded by a global positioning system (GPS)

FTK_MAIN  Fuel tickets, including automated fuel postings, site ID, and pump number

JOB_DOWNTIME  Accumulated user and shop downtime

JOB_MAIN  Work order header (that is not labor, parts, or commercial postings) data, accumulated user and shop downtime

LAB_MAIN  Labor postings, including labor posted to a work order and labor posted to indirect time codes

LOC_MAIN  Location codes

LOG_MAIN  Transaction log – keeps track of which users performed which actions in the system and when those actions occurred

OPR_MAIN  Operators

PLO_COUNT  Sum of changes over one month

PLO_MAIN  Parts location data

PO_MAIN  Purchase orders

PLO_MOVEMENT Track movement of parts in and out of a location's inventory (ENTERPRISE transactions only)

PO_RCPT  Parts receipts

PTD_MAIN  Parts issues, including parts issued to a work order and parts posted using the direct issue screen

PTS_MAIN  Parts Primary data

SEQ_MAIN  Last number used in automatic numbering for work orders, warranty claims, purchase orders, and so forth

SLA_PRIORITY  Track response time performance of shops for units with an equipment status of OUT OF SERVICE

SLA_REQT_PERIOD_PRI_PERF Track response time performance of shops for units with an equipment status of OUT OF SERVICE

TOOL_CHARGES  Tool usage history


TSK_MAIN  Tasks Primary data

USG_MAIN  Usage tickets, including automatically-generated monthly billing tickets; hours, days, weeks, and months of a reservation