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Oracle stored-procedure-dependent reports

To run a standard report on Oracle that is dependent on stored procedures:

Step 1.  On the Queries/Reports -> Report Preparation/Management screen, click the Prepare to Insert button.

Step 2.  Type the report ID and description in the appropriate fields.

Step 3.  Select the cost analysis report you want to run.

Step 4.  Type the preparation stored procedure in the Name of processing stored procedure field. (For cost analysis reports, this is EQ-COST-REPORTS-PREPARE.)

Step 5.  Type the name of the delete stored procedure in the Name of cleanup stored procedure field. (For cost analysis reports, this is EQ-COST-REPORTS-DELETE.)

Step 6.  Type the year and ending month, separated by a semicolon, in the Stored procedure information field. For example, for the month of March 1999, type 1999;3.

Step 7.  Place a check (ü) in the Prepare now using instance ID field and type a numeric value. This number disappears after you process the record. For reference purposes, type this number in the Description field.

Step 8.  Click the Process button. (This is necessary because you must delete the data after you run all cost analysis reports.)

Step 9.  Close the screen. (This is necessary because you must delete the data after you run all cost analysis reports.)

Step 10. Open the Queries/Reports -> Query/Report Generator screen.

Step 11. Execute the applicable cost analysis report.

Step 12. When the Instant ID prompt appears, type the instance ID created in step 8. You can use the same instance ID to run all the cost analysis reports.

Step 13. To run more than one cost analysis report, repeat step 11.

Step 14. On the Queries/Reports -> Report Preparation/Management screen, specify the report ID in the filter.

Step 15. Place a check (ü) in the Delete data using instance ID field.

Step 16. Type the instance ID.

Step 17. Click the Process data button.