Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab displays information about the bay to which a task was assigned. Only those tasks that have an assigned bay are displayed. The data that the screen displays is restricted to the employee ID associated with the user's log-in ID.
The fields in the top section of the Basic Info tab display information from the work order. The fields are read only.
Work order ID
Three-part field containing the work order ID. The first part identifies the location of the work order’s assigned shop. The second part is the year the work order was opened. The third part is the work order number.
Job status
Status of the job.
Current work delay
Identifier of the type of work delay. The record type displays to the right of the ID.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab specify information about the task, equipment, schedule, bay, and employee (or employees) associated with the work. All the fields are read only.
Task ID
Valid identifier of the single repair task, repair group, or preventive maintenance (PM) service.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit to which the work order applies. The unlabeled field beneath the Equipment ID displays a description of the unit.
The complaint, or symptom, for which the work order was created. The unlabeled field to the right displays a description of the symptom.
Priority ID
Priority ID assigned to the work order. The description displays to the right of the ID.
Date and time in
Date and time the work order was received.
Date and time due
Date and time by which the work order must be completed.
Date and time scheduled
Date the work is scheduled to be performed.
Shift scheduled
Shift to which the work is assigned. This field has a list box.
Shifts and shift IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Shifts screen.
Bay scheduled
Bay to which the work is assigned. The unlabeled field to the right displays information about the bay.
View edit work order
The View/edit work order button is a hyperlink to the Basic Info tab on the Work Order Center screen. This capability enables you to view more information about a work order or make changes to it. To simplify the data entry, any work assignment you make for a bay or a technician at the work order level will also update the assignment information for any unscheduled or unassigned tasks for that work order.
Personnel assigned/scheduled Screen Group Data Table
This group box consists of several fields:
Employee ID: Choice list of employee IDs that are authorized to charge time, are assigned to the work location (or support all locations), and are assigned to the shift for the task assigned to the work order. You may also assign employees who do not meet these criteria.
Employee name: Employee name. Information displays automatically after the employee ID is specified.
Crew ID: The name of the crew the personnel is assigned to.