Risks |
The Risks tab of the Work Projects screen enables you to view and insert risks associated with work projects.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on work project ID, project name, status, user ID that created the project, and user ID that owns the project.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Work project ID
Identifier of the work project currently selected in the grid or that you are inserting (opening). The application assigns the ID; this field is display only.
The Risks screen group in the bottom section of this tab lists the data files associated with the work project. All fields are optional.
Delete: If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save. Risks may only be deleted if not assigned to active projects.
Description: Description of the risk.
Risk potential ID: Identifier of the likelihood of the risk's occurrence. This field has a list box. Risk potential IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Risk Potential Types screen.
Risk impact ID: Identifier of the risk's impact. This field has a list box. Risk impact IDs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Risk Impact Types screen.
Mitigation: Mitigation comments regarding the risk. Maximum field length is 200 characters.