Send Message |
The Send Message tab allows you to enter a message and other information for messages.
To user ID
Individual user who will receive the message. This field has a list box. The user name displays to the right of the ID.
To user group ID
User group that will receive the message. This field has a list box. The group name displays to the right of the ID.
To equipment ID
Equipment ID that will receive the message. The maximum field length is 12 characters. This field has a list box. The equipment description displays to the right of the ID.
Note: To use this option, the GPS equipment ID field on the Assignments tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen must specify a QTracs identifier. The message will be sent to the vehicle's driver.
Subject of the message. Field accepts both uppercase and lowercase letters. Maximum field length is 200 characters. Optional.
Message text. This is a free-format area. Field accepts both uppercase and lowercase letters. Maximum field length is 2,000 characters.
Note: When you send a message, the recipient receives notification that he or she has [number] messages. All messages include the date and time sent.
The following fields refer to message retrieval. To retrieve your messages, use the filter to restrict the messages that display in the grid, and then select the message you want to view.
Mark all my messages in the grid as read
To automatically mark all the messages in the grid as read, click the Mark all my messages in the grid as read button.
Indicates that the recipient was notified that a new message has arrived. The system automatically places a check in this field after it displays the new message prompt to the recipient.
Indicates that the recipient has read the message. To manually indicate that you have read a message, place a check in this field, and click Save.
Has attachments
Indicates the message has an attachment.