Notes |
The Notes tab enables you to display and record comments about work orders. If there are notes associated with the work order, this tab displays in the alert color specified on Preferences -> Color Setup.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on work order location ID/year/number, equipment ID, job status, job type, PM service, and employee ID, among other values. If you filter on PM service, PM and inspection services on repair orders and additional services on PM orders will also be retrieved.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
Work order ID
Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid. The work order ID is composed of three parts: location, year, and number. The location part of the field has a list box.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit on the work order currently selected in the grid. Display only. The unit’s year, manufacturer, model, meter readings, and description display in the field below the ID.
Tip: You can set a zoom button for this field to detect the type of equipment and display the appropriate screen. If you used Administrator Mode to add a zoom button, you will need to use it again to remove your user-defined zoom button for this functionality to work.
Current work delay ID
Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The information displayed is from the Work delay ID field on the Delay tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID.
Job status
Job status of the work order.
OPEN: The work on the work order has not yet been completed.
WORK FINISHED: Shop personnel have completed the work and placed a check in the Date and time finished field on the Basic Info tab for this work order.
CLOSED: The work order is no longer open.
PENDING: Work has not yet started on this work order.
License number
License number of the equipment unit (if any). Display-only from the Registration tab of the Data –> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
The bottom section of this tab displays and records notes about the work order. You can also specify the task or service request to which the note applies. Once a note has been entered, it may not be changed or deleted.
Work Order Completion Note Display Field
Existing notes regarding the work order. The note text automatically includes the creation date and time as well as the ID of the employee who created it.
Add a new note
Optional, free-format area in which to enter notes. Once a note has been entered, it cannot be changed or deleted.
New note applies to
Task ID
Identifier of the task to which the note applies. This field has a list box. The task description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.
Service request ID
Identifier of the service request to which the note applies. This field has a list box. This field is optional.