OEM Component List |
The OEM Component List screen enables you to add multiple components simultaneously to a single top-level parent equipment unit. It provides an easy way to build all the component relationships for a new equipment unit or serialized component. You can also use this screen to review the existing component relationships for a primary equipment unit and see how well it conforms to the configuration.
Note: Prior to Release 6.4, this screen enabled you to associate components to equipment units. In Release 6.4, the functionality was changed to enable the automatic generation of part serialized records and components for new equipment units coming into the system. You must use a default template and enter serial numbers for component parts that are new to the system; existing parts may not be entered. All components must be tracked as parts.
Top-level parent equipment
Identifier of the top-level parent equipment unit. This field has a list box. The unit description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.
Identifier of the maintenance class. This field has a list box. The class description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.
Default template information
If this field has a check and you have built a configuration for the maintenance class of the new primary equipment unit, the Parent class, Child class, and Position ID fields in the screen group populate automatically with data from the Data -> Equipment Units -> Components -> Component Configuration screen and a check displays in the From template and Create equipment fields for each row. The Component Relationships and Assignment History screens update automatically.
Note: If you place a check in this field and then save the record, this field is no longer available (i.e., it grays out).
Delete: To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save. The assignment history is ended and all cmp_main rows associated with top-level equipment ID are deleted.
Parent class: Identifier of the parent class. This field has a list box. The maximum field length is 21 characters. This field is required.
Parent eq ID: Identifier of the parent equipment unit. Must be either a top-level parent ID or a child ID. This field has a list box of equipment IDs in ascending order. This field is required.
Note: If the default template is in effect, the choice list options are limited to equipment units in the parent class. Otherwise, the choice list options are unrestricted.
Child class: Identifier of the child class. This field has a list box. The maximum field length is 21 characters. This field is required.
Child eq ID: Identifier of the child equipment unit. Cannot be the same as the parent ID. If the template includes a part ID and suffix, a child equipment ID is generated based on those values. This field has a list box of equipment IDs in ascending order. This field is required.
Note: If the default template is in effect, the choice list options are limited to equipment units in the child class. Otherwise, the choice list options are unrestricted.
Position ID: Identifier of the position. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Serial number: Serial number of the component. This field is required. If you enter a new serial number, a component with that serial number and generated equipment ID is created. It also creates a component relationship between the parent equipment ID and the component. If you enter a new serial number and a new component ID, a new equipment ID is created and a component relationship is established between the parent equipment ID and the new component.
Part ID: Identifier of the part. This field has a list box. This field is required.
Part suffix: Suffix associated with the part ID. This field is required.
Create equipment: If this field has a check, a child equipment ID is generated from the template based on the part ID and suffix.
From template: If this field has a check, the information in the previous fields is from the default template.