Employment Info |
The Employment Info tab enables you to define information related to an individual's employment at the company.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on employee ID, employee name, assigned shop location ID, account ID, and whether the employee charges time, among other values.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Employee ID
Unique identifier of the employee currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, the employee name displays to the right of the ID.
The fields in the bottom section of this tab define the employment information related to the employee. All fields are optional.
Employment date
Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the employee began employment at the company. It may be the current date, a future date, or a past date. Future dates accommodate pre-hires.
Termination date
Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the employee ceased employment with the company. It may be the current date, a future date, or a past date. Future dates accommodate employees who have given notice.
Free-form area in which you can type comments.
Department ID
Identifier of the department associated with the employee. This field has a list box. The department description displays to the right of the ID.
Supports all departments
If this field has a check, the employee supports all departments.
The fields in the Supported departments screen group enable you to define and display information about the departments that the employee supports.
To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save. This field is optional.
Department ID
Identifier of the department that the employee supports. This field has a list box.
Name of the department. Display-only from the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Departments -> Primary Information screen.