Rates |
The Rates tab enables you to define information related to the employee’s pay rate.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on employee ID, employee name, assigned shop location ID, account ID, and whether the employee charges time, among other values.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Employee ID
Unique identifier of the employee currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, the employee name displays to the right of the ID.
The fields in the bottom section of this tab define the employee's pay rate information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Pay rate
Employee’s current pay rate. This field allows up to four digits to the right of the decimal. This field is optional.
Standard charge
Employee’s standard charge rate per hour of labor charged to equipment units. For the process followed to determine labor rates, see Determining labor rates.
Overtime charge
Employee’s overtime charge rate per hour of labor charged to equipment units. If you enter overtime rates for employees rather than rely on a multiplier to apply to the standard rate for work classified as overtime, make an entry for overtime on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen for the time code OT (for overtime) with a multiplier of 1.000 and specify that it is not indirect labor.
Default time code ID for labor
Identifier of a valid direct time code used as the default time code ID on the employee's labor entries that are assigned to work orders. This field has a list box. Required if the employee has a check in the Charges time field on the Scheduling tab.
Note: Only time codes with a check in the Use on labor transactions field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Time Codes screen may be used.