Time Codes |
The Time Codes screen enables you to define an organization’s time (pay) codes for shop labor and any charge rate multipliers associated with the codes. A time code is required for each labor transaction. You also can configure time codes to support labor.
When you process employee labor entries, the labor charges are adjusted based on the multiplier associated with the time code you specify. The system supports an unlimited number of time codes.
The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.
Time code ID
Identifier of the time code currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. The time code ID must consist of valid bar code characters only. This field has a list box. If the ID is already defined, the time code description displays to the right of the ID. Maximum field length is eight characters.
IDs represent different time codes, such as overtime (OT), double time, compensation time, holiday time, and sick time. See also Suggested Time Code Definitions.
Note: There are no special restrictions on the use of time codes 00–19. If you use the Data -> Data Capture -> Hand-held Devices screen, however, you may have problems if you change the attributes of these time codes.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the time code. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Description of the time code. Free-format area. This field has a limit of 60 characters.
Amount by which the applicable labor rate is multiplied to adjust for the particular time code. For example, overtime at 1.5 times the standard is 1.500. Each entry should have three digits after the decimal.
If this field has a check, the time code represents indirect time (time that is not charged to a work order). If you place a check in this field you can also associate the time code with a default account ID. When you use the Labor Capture tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Employee Labor Capture screen to post direct time charges, the account ID associated with the work order ID is the default.
Note: Indirect labor is tracked using the task ID of INDIRECT. Indirect labor must have a task ID to identify the work being done. Time codes are now used only as the multiplier for costs. The indirect flag is no longer used on time codes. You may continue using your existing time codes. The data conversion to Release 6.1.0 created a default INDIRECT task ID for each indirect time code you had defined previously. Every old indirect time code also has a default INDIRECT task ID.
Default account ID
Default account ID associated with the time code ID. This field is for time code IDs that have a check in the Indirect field. You can change the value before you process the transaction. This field has a list box. The account name displays to the right of the ID. This value displays in Account ID fields for transactions with the indirect time code ID.
When you specify the account ID, it must have a status of ACTIVE. Account IDs and their status are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether account IDs are required, optional, or not required.
Default task ID for indirect time
Default task ID associated with the time code ID. Required for time code IDs that have a check in the Indirect field. You can change the value before you process the transaction. This field has a list box. The task description displays to the right of the ID. This value displays in Task ID fields for transactions with the indirect time code ID.
Note: The data conversion to Release 6.1 created a default INDIRECT task ID for every indirect time code, and every existing indirect time code was assigned a default INDIRECT task ID.
If this field has a check, the time code is active. If this field is blank, the time code is inactive.
Note: Inactive time codes are not listed in time code ID choice lists, and may not be assigned to labor transactions or other data.
Use on labor transactions
If this field has a check, the time code may be used on labor transactions.
Use on timesheets
If this field has a check, the time code may be used on time sheets. Time codes that are set as an Overtime time code on the Employee Classifications screen cannot be edited to uncheck this field to remove the ability of this code to be used on time sheets.
If this field has a check, the time code represents a holiday for reporting purposes.
Note: This field may not be cleared if the time code is being used on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Setup -> Employee Classifications screen.
If this field has a check, the time code represents overtime for reporting purposes.
Note: This field may not be cleared if the time code is being used on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Setup -> Employee Classifications screen.
Outside regular hours
If this field has a check, the time code will indicate that it is outside of regular working hours, which will be shown separately from regular working hours when viewed in the Time Management Module. This field is not required.
This field can only be checked if Holiday, Overtime, and Outside regular hours checkboxes are not checked.
Accrual time type
The accrual time type to use for the time code. This field has a choice-list to choose the type. Accrual time types are set up on the Accrual Time Type screen. This field is optional, but must be a valid, active entry if entered.