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The Requisitions tab enables you to specify defaults for requisitions, including whether approval is required, default statuses, and default purchase type.

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Enterprise purchasing options

Detail View

Require approval

If this field has a check, the requisition must be approved before it can be processed.

Default approval type

Default approval type. This field has a list box. Required if the Require approval field has a check.

In Enterprise Purchasing, approval types are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Approval Types screen.

Default initial status

Default initial status. Applies to headers and line items. If the stage requires approval, the status must have a PENDING state. If the stage does not require approval, the status may have an OPEN state. This field has a list box. This field is required.

In Enterprise Purchasing, statuses are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing ->  Setup -> Statuses screen.

Default updated status

Default status that indicates that key information was changed on an open line item. Update statuses enable you to easily identify items that may need to be resent to the vendor. This field has a list box.

If approvals are required, you may want to specify a PENDING state to ensure that the line item goes through the approval process again. If approvals are not required, you may specify a status with an OPEN state. In Enterprise Purchasing, statuses are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing ->  Setup -> Statuses screen.

Default closed status

Default status that indicates that a line item was closed automatically. This field has a list box. Must be a status with a CLOSED state. Required. In Enterprise Purchasing, statuses are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup ->  Statuses screen.

Automatically update requisition header status when all line items are closed

If this field has a check, the requisition header is automatically updated to the value specified in the Header status on line close field once all line items have been fully received.

Header status on line close

Status to assign to the header once all line items on a requisition have been fully received. This field has a list box of statuses that are allowed on requisitions. This field is optional.

Combine similar line items

If this field has a check, two or more line items that have all of the following information in common are combined together rather than listed separately on the PO.

If you have multiple requisitions to purchase similar items (for example, all have the same part ID), you can add them to the same purchase order. If this option is selected, when similar items are added to the same purchase order, The system increases the quantity of the existing line item rather than create a new line item.

Default purchase type for generated requisitions

Purchase type to be used if the next stage of the purchasing process does not support the purchase type on the originating item (i.e., the requisition). This field has a list box.

Purchase types are defined on the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup ->  Purchase Types screen.

Default required date to today if not set

If this field has a check, the date required for line items defaults to the current date. Applies to the required date or needed-by date on the header and line items. If a needed-by date is specified on the applicable Basic Info tab, however, that date will be used instead.

Default expected delivery date to today if not set

If this field has a check, the expected delivery for line items defaults to the current date. Applies to the expected delivery date on the header and line items. If an expected delivery date is specified on the applicable Basic Info tab, however, that date will be used instead.

Minimum lead time

Minimum number of days of lead time required by the vendor.

If the Minimum lead days field on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen specifies 0, this field is used to determine the expected delivery date on the Line Items tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Requisitions screen.