Fuel/Fluid Stock Transfers |
The Fuel/Fluid Transfers screen enables you to view and record the transfer of fuel and fluids between tanks. If the date of a fuel receipt or transfer is earlier than an existing tank adjustment, then only the value is adjusted, not the quantity.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
From tank ID
Identifier of the tank from which the fuel or fluid was transferred. This field has a list box. The location and fuel type associated with the tank display to the right of the ID. The location and fuel type are associated with the tank on the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen.
To tank ID
Identifier of the fuel tank to which the fuel was transferred. This field has a list box. The location and fuel type associated with the tank display to the right of the ID. The location and fuel type are associated with the tank on the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen.
Note: The tank must be associated with the same fuel type as the tank in the From tank ID field.
Data in the bottom section of this tab record the transfer information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Transfer date and time
Date and time the fuel was transferred. It must be later than the value in the Last tank reading/date and time field (on the Last Tank Reading tab of the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen) for the tanks specified in the From tank ID and To tank ID fields.
If the transfer is from a source tank with a transaction date prior to a full adjustment on that tank, the quantity and/or value remain the same. If the transfer is from a source tank with a transaction date after a full adjustment on the tank, the tank quantity and/or value are adjusted.
If the transfer is to a destination tank with a transaction date that precedes a full adjustment on the tank, the quantity and/or value remain the same. If the transfer is to a destination tank with a transaction date that occurs after a full adjustment on the tank, the tank quantity and/or value are adjusted.
Transfer type
The type of transfer. This field has a list box:
BULK: Bulk transfers are tracked as transfers out of the tank in the From tank ID field and into the tank in the To tank ID field. Use this type of transfer to transfer fuel from one underground tank to another underground tank.
ISSUE: Issue transfers are tracked as issues out of the tank in the From tank ID field and receipts into the tank in the To tank ID field. Use this type of transfer to transfer fuel from an underground tank to a mobile tank truck.
Qty transferred
Amount of fuel transferred. When this amount is processed, the Quantity and Value/On hand fields on the Current Inventory tab of the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Primary Information screen are updated.
Note: Effective with Release 6.4.3, all fuel and fluid quantities support three decimal places (i.e., 14,3). If the receipt date on a fuel receipt or transfer is earlier than an existing tank adjustment, the tank quantity is not updated. Only the adjustment value is changed.