Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to display and define the island control unit (ICU) parameters, including site ID, ICU number, downtime, dispensing time, supported facility IDs, and whether credit card transactions are allowed.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on site ID, ICU number, and ICU type.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.
Site ID
Identifier of the tank site currently selected in the grid or being defined. This field is required. Must be a valid fueling site location. This field has a list box. The site description displays to the right of the ID. Site IDs are defined on the Data -> Fuel/Fluid Tanks -> Setup -> Fueling Sites screen.
ICU number
Identifier of the island control unit. This field is required. Must be 1 or higher without leading zeros. The site ID and ICU number combination must be unique.
Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters
Click the Prompt ICU to ask for setup parameters button to obtain setup parameters from the ICU.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the timeout parameters, transaction options, and supported facilities. All fields are optional.
IP address/modem phone number
Internet protocol address or telephone number of the modem uses to communicate with the ICU. Maximum field length is 30 characters.
Downtime (days)
Number of days that the ICU will store unprocessed transactions when the system is offline and in "manager bypass" mode.
Dispensing time
Amount of time that the ICU will dispense fuel before timing out.
Temporary stop
Amount of time after the handle is released before the ICU times out. If this is set too long, you run the risk of another car fueling from your authorized transaction.
Total time
Total time that can elapse before the ICU times out. This is the total time from start of the transaction to fill the tank before the system times out for a fueling sessions.
Send transactions with zero quantity
If this field has a check, the ICU will send zero quantity transactions to FuelFocus after the transactions are completed.
Enable generic credit card transactions
If this field has a check, the ICU accepts credit card transactions.
ICU type
The type of ICU. This field has a list box. Options are Fixed and Mobile.
Use this section to enter information if your organization uses Veeder Root tank monitoring.
If this field has a check, the Veeder-Root tank monitoring device is activated.
Note: If Veeder-Root is used, you must complete the fields on the Tanks tab.
Connection type
This is the method that Veeder-Root uses to connect to the ICU. Acceptable values are an Internet Protocol (IP) address (i.e., or COM1, COM2.
Note: Do not insert a space between COM and the number (i.e., this must be written as COM1, not COM 1).
Polling interval (hours)
Interval, in hours, at which the ICU will collect tank readings from Veeder-Root. Must be a number between 0 and 99999. If set as 0, the ICU will never poll Veeder-Root.)
Base time of day to start polling
Time of day (in HH:MM format) to start polling Veeder-Root. If this field is left blank, the start time is calculated based on the last time the ICU software was restarted.
If the ICU requires users to enter a facility code, enter them in this table.
Note: If you do not know your facility codes, you can find them in the Error Log (pos###.###log) after a bad read occurs.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Facility ID
Identifier of the facility supported by the ICU. The ID, if used, is a prefix on all vehicle cards and keys used by employee. Optional. This field has a list box.
Note: You can use the same facility ID for multiple ICUs as long as they are for different sites.
Description of the facility. This field is display only.
If WAF (wireless automated fueling) hardware is in use at the ICU and you have VIBs (vehicle integration boxes) installed on your vehicles, check this option to enable the use of VIBs.
To specify the time (or times) of day that the ICU will request the whitelist, use this table. This table is optional.
If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.
Refresh time
The time (in HH:MM format) that the ICU will request the whitelist.
Last refresh date and time
Date and time (in MMDDYYYY HH:MM format) that the whitelist was last refreshed. Display only.