How to calculate replenishment parameters |
The Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Calculate Replenishment Parameters screen enables you to automatically calculate replenishment parameters such as MIN-MAX and EOQ.
EOQ values are calculated using the formulas listed in the Setup Guide.
MIN-MAX values are calculated based on the last 12 months of historical lead time and usage data. This function will calculate min-max parameters for replenishment purposes.
Formula and values:
Security Period = Number of days specified by the location
MonthlyLeadTime = Past 12 FULL months or 12 months. The average of lead time by month.
LeadTime = Past 12 FULL months or number of PLO_LEAD rows. The average of lead time per lead events. If this is 0, then MonthlyLeadTime is set to 1.
MonthlyQtyIssues = 12 FULL months or 12 months. The average quantity issued by month.
MinQty = (MonthlyQtyIssued / MonthlyLeadTime) * (LeadTime + SecuityPeriod)
MaxQty = (Monthly QtyIssued / Monthly LeadTime) * ((LeadTime * 2) + Security Period)
"SecurityPeriod" = LOC_MAIN.minmax_security_days – for the location of the part.
12 FULL months" is the total lead time which is pulled from this
sql query:
WHERE PART_part_no = '[Part_part_no]' AND PART_suffix = [Part_Suffix]
AND LOC_loc_code = '[Loc_loc_code]'
AND post_datetime > ‘02/01/2015 00:00’ AND post_datetime < ‘02/01/2016
This translates to the sum of the lead days in PLO_LEAD for the part for a date range between the first day of the current month going back 12 months.
"# of PLO_LEAD
rows" is pulled from this sql query:
WHERE PART_part_no = '[Part_part_no]' AND PART_suffix = [Part_Suffix]
AND LOC_loc_code = '[Loc_loc_code]' AND post_datetime > ‘02/01/2015
AND post_datetime < ‘02/01/2016 00:00’
This translates to count of records in PLO_LEAD for the part for a date range between the first day of the current month going back 12 months.
The dates used are based on the first of the month when the function is being called. EX: If today is 02/11/2016, the first of the month is 02/01/2016 00:
To calculate replenishment parameters:
Step 1. Verify the following settings on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen:
Either EOQ or MIN-MAX displays in the Replenishment method field
Note: If you manage inventory BY LOCATION, EOQ must be selected.
YES displays in the Perform EOQ or MIN-MAX calculation field
Step 2. If you manage inventory BY ENTERPRISE, on the Inventory - Enterprise tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen, verify that there is a value in the Security days for MIN-MAX calculation field.
3. On the Data -> Enterprise
Purchasing -> Replenishment -> Calculate
Replenishment Parameters screen, click Prepare
for Insert .
Step 4. Specify the location and parts for which you want to perform this calculation. The system calculates values for one location at a time.
Note: If location security is in effect, it applies to this screen. To learn more about location-level security, go to location level access control.
Step 5. In the Calculate item field, specify whether the system should calculate EOQ or MIN-MAX values. If you manage inventory BY LOCATION, you must select EOQ.
6. Click Process
For more information about the calculation that FASuite performs, see Replenishment calculation.
Once the calculation is complete, FASuite records the following information on the Replenishment tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen: the items that were calculated, when they were calculated, and what the values were previously. To undo a calculated value, update it manually to the previous value.