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How to copy data entries

In screen groups, to copy information from a single field to a row below the field, type double quotes (") in the lower field.

In the grid, to copy entire rows of information, proceed as follows:

Step 1.  Access the appropriate screen from the menu.

Step 2.  Display the data you want to copy. (See How to display data entries or How to display data entries on screens that require information in the filter.)

Step 3.   In the grid section, select the row that contains the data entry you want to copy.

The information for that row populates the fields on each tab.

Step 4.  Click the Prepare to copy button image\precopy.gif or select Copy record from the Action menu.

All information that must be unique for the new entry type disappears from the screen fields.

Step 5.  On the applicable tabs, type the appropriate values in the unique entry fields and edit values that you want to change.

Step 6.  To process the insertion, click the Process button or select Save record from the Action menu.


See Also

Online Help for individual screens

Getting help on parts of the screen

System essentials

Reference Information

Work order data items copied (specific to work order screens)