Delay |
The Delay tab enables you to record and modify additional information about a delay, such as length, type, cause, description, and individual responsible.
Note: If an incident is closed, it cannot be modified. You must change the status to something other than CLOSED before you can modify the data.
Delay incidents entered for trips that have been signed off by the dispatcher may be modified only by users that belong to a user group that has been granted the right to update signed-off trips and delays. This special right is granted on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on incident ID, status, symptom, responsibility, a range of occurred dates and reported dates, trip ID, and delay type, among other values.
The fields in the top section of the Delay tab display the incident ID and the name of the user who recorded the incident. These fields are display only.
Incident ID
System-assigned identification number for the incident.
Entered by
Identification code of the user who initially entered the incident. The user's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.
The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to record information about a delay caused by the incident. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
Minutes delayed
Number of minutes of delay caused by the incident.
Note: If the minutes delayed do not match the trip delay minutes, a warning message appears.
Primary delay
If this field has a check, this is the primary delay for this trip. Only one delay may be specified as primary.
If there is a check in the Require one delay designated as the primary reason for a delayed trip field on the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Options screen, one of the following actions occurs when you associate a delay with a trip:
If no other delay exists for this trip, this delay is automatically marked as primary.
If you mark a delay as primary but another delay for that trip is already marked as primary, you are prompted to confirm whether you want to keep the other delay as primary or make the current delay the primary one.
If you clear the Primary delay checkbox on a delay that was previously specified as primary, the delay with the most minutes is automatically marked as primary for that trip. If there is a group of related delays for a trip and one delay must be identified as the primary, the delay with highest number of minutes is automatically designated.
Delay type
Classification of the delay. This field is required. This field has a list box. Delay types are defined on the Data -> Incident Management -> Setup -> Delay Types screen.
Delay cause
Cause of the delay. This field has a list box. Delay causes are defined on the Data -> Incident Management -> Setup -> Causes screen.
Free-form text field in which you can describe the delay. The maximum field length is 192 characters.
Responsible employee ID
Identifier of the employee responsible for the incident. This field has a list box. If an employee ID is selected, the employee's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.