Offsets |
Note: Non-linear assets do not display on this screen. Use the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.
The Offsets tab enables you to define the elements of a linear asset’s location and, if applicable, the range, magnitude, or distance over which the asset extends.
Each marker offset comprises three components:
X offset: Distance along the segment from the marker.
Y offset: Distance perpendicular to the centerline of the segment that contains the marker.
Z offset: Distance from ground-level.
You can enter negative, zero, or positive offset components. The signs of the x offset and y offset indicate the offset vector’s direction relative to the segment’s direction.
A negative z offset means that the asset is below ground-level at that x offset and y offset location, not at the segment centerline or starting point.
Note: Single-point assets (e.g., controls and signals) defined on this screen are not automatically transferred to the Stationary Equipment screen in RailFocus. If you want to convert these equipment units, please contact Customer Support for assistance.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on equipment ID, model information, class information, segment ID, to/from marker ID, and to/from offset, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all. If you specify a range, any record that crosses any part of that range will be displayed.
The Primary Information screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defaults from the information entered on the Basic Info tab. The field is read only.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment unit currently selected in the grid. This field has a list box. The equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model display to the right of the ID.
Tip: You can set a zoom button for this field to detect the type of equipment and display the appropriate screen. If you used Administrator Mode to add a zoom button, you will need to use it again to remove your user-defined zoom button for this functionality to work.
Asset type
The type of asset.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the offset and enable you to specify segment information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
From (or single point position information)
Marker ID/segment ID
Identifiers of the marker and segment at which the asset originates. This field is required. These fields have two list boxes (one for markers and one for segments). The marker description displays in the unlabeled field below the Marker ID field. When you type or select a marker ID, a determination is made as to how many segment IDs are assigned to it.
If there is only one segment ID, the Segment ID field auto-fills.
If the marker is assigned to more than one segment ID, you must select a segment ID from the list box. Both markers must be on the same segment.
Tip: To define a single-point asset, you need only enter data in the From Marker ID/segment ID and [From/To] X offset fields. When you record work performed on the asset, the system knows whether you are working on a single point asset or over a range and will default marker, segment, and offset entries accordingly.
To [Marker ID/segment ID]
Identifiers of the marker and segment at which the asset terminates. These fields have two list boxes (one for markers and one for segments). If the marker is assigned to more than one segment ID, you must select a segment ID from the list box. Both markers must be on the same segment. The marker description displays in the unlabeled field below the To [Marker ID] field.
[From/To] X offset
Distance along the segment from the From and To marker IDs, respectively. Offsets may include four decimal places.
[From/To] Y offset
Distance perpendicular to the centerline of the segment from the From and To marker IDs, respectively. Offsets may include four decimal places.
[From/To] Z offset
Distance from ground-level of the From and To marker IDs, respectively. Offsets may include four decimal places.
[From/To] Elevation
Elevation of the From and To marker IDs, respectively.
Single point or distance between From and To
If you are viewing or entering a single point asset, displays SINGLE POINT. If you are viewing or entering an asset with two specified end points, the distance between them displays.
[From/To] Latitude
Latitude coordinates for the From and To marker IDs, respectively.
[From/To] Longitude
Longitude coordinates for the From and To marker IDs, respectively.
Line ID
Identifier of the line. If entering a new ID, it must be unique and a maximum of 20 characters. This field has a list box of existing IDs. The ID description displays in the field to the right. Line IDs are recorded on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Setup -> Lines screen.
Shape ID
Identifier of the shape. This field has a list box. The ID description displays in the field to the right. Shapes are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Setup -> Shapes screen.
The Asset segments screen group enables you to segment information.
To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.
From marker ID
Identifier of the marker at which the asset originates. This field has a list box.
From segment ID
Identifier of the segment at which the asset originates. Display only.
From x offset
Distance along the segment from the From marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
From y offset
Distance perpendicular to the center line of the segment from the From marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
From z offset
Distance from ground-level of the From marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
To marker ID
Identifier of the marker at which the asset terminates. This field has a list box.
To segment ID
Identifier of the segment at which the asset terminates. Display only.
To x offset
Distance along the segment from the To marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
To y offset
Distance perpendicular to the center line of the segment from the To marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
To z offset
Distance from ground-level of the To marker ID. Offsets may include four decimal places.
Replaced by equipment ID
Identifier of the equipment that replaced the original asset. This field has a list box.
Date replaced
Date (in MMDDYYYY format) that the equipment was replaced. This field populates automatically when a value is entered in the Replaced by equipment ID field. This field is display only.