Charge Rates (Units Available) |
The Charge Rates tab displays information about rates charged for motor pool equipment use. When you return an equipment unit to the motor pool on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Motor Pool Center screen, these rates, along with the elapsed time between the dispatch and return of the equipment unit, are used to automatically compute the charges.
Tip: You must use the filter to specify the pool vehicle type and dispatch location ID for which you want to view the units available.
The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays. All fields are display only.
Pool vehicle type
Type of vehicle specified in the filter. This field has a list box.
Dispatch location ID
Valid identifier of the location specified in the filter and which dispatches the equipment unit. This location must have a check in the Pool (dispatch) field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.
The fields in the bottom section of this tab provide information about the charge rates. All fields are display only.
Hourly rate
Amount the customer is charged for each hour (or fraction of an hour) of usage for this pool vehicle type.
Daily rate
Amount charged the customer for each day (or part of a day) of usage for this pool vehicle type. If there is a rate in the Hourly rate field, the hourly rate is charged for partial days instead of the daily rate.
Weekly rate
Amount the customer is charged for each week of usage for this pool vehicle type.
Monthly rate
Amount the customer is charged for each month of usage for this pool vehicle type.
Meter rate
Amount the customer is charged for each unit of meter usage for this pool vehicle type.
No-show rate
Amount the customer is charged if the reserved equipment unit is not picked up at the dispatch location.
Cancellation rate
Amount the customer is charged if the reservation is cancelled.