Basic Info |
The Basic Info tab enables you to define and modify schedules.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on schedule ID, from/to date, effective date, discontinued date, route ID, and schedule type ID. You can also specify whether to display current active schedules, discontinued schedules, or all schedules.
The field in the top section of the Basic Info tab identifies the schedule ID.
Schedule ID
Identifier or name of the schedule. This field is required. The maximum field length is 15 characters. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, its description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.
Tip: The combination of schedule ID, schedule type ID, and effective date must be unique.
The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to provide high-level information about the schedule ID being defined. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.
Text field in which you can type a name for the schedule ID. Two schedules can share the same name as long as they do not overlap on the same days (i.e., have the same frequency).
Schedule frequencies are specified on the Frequency tab.
Schedule type ID
Identifier of the schedule type.
Schedule type IDs are defined on the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Schedule Types screen.
Effective date
Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the schedule ID is effective. The effective date cannot be later than the latest trip date for the schedule ID.
Note: Two schedules may have overlapping effective dates and schedule type ID combinations only if the schedules do not have overlapping frequencies.
Discontinued date
Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the schedule ID should be discontinued. This field is optional. The discontinued date cannot be earlier than the latest trip date for the schedule ID.
Note: Two schedules may have overlapping discontinued dates and schedule type ID combinations only if the schedules do not have overlapping frequencies.
Capacity required
The capacity required for the consist to allow it to be used for that scheduled trip. If the option Require actual capacity of consist to be greater than or equal to required capacity for the trip is checked on the Basic Info of the Operations - Setup Options screen, this field is required.
Route ID
Identifier of the route. This field is required. This field has a list box. The route ID description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.
This is a free form field to enter the direction of the trip, such as south, north, etc. This field has a maximum limit of 20 characters.
If this field has a check, this is a non-revenue train (i.e., does not carry passengers).
Indicates whether the schedule is inbound or outbound. This field has two options, INBOUND and OUTBOUND.
Note: Outbound is the default direction on route stops.
Peak type
Indicates the peak type associated with the schedule ID. This field is optional. This field has a list box. The peak type's description displays in the unlabeled field beneath the field.
Peak types are defined on the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Peak Types screen.