Frequency |
The Frequency tab enables you to specify the days of the week that the schedule runs.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on schedule ID, from/to date, effective date, discontinued date, route ID, and schedule type ID. You can also specify whether to display current active schedules, discontinued schedules, or all schedules.
The field in the top section of the Frequency tab identifies the schedule ID.
Schedule ID
Identifying code or name of the schedule. Display only. The schedule's description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.
The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to specify which days of the week the schedule applies to, as well as which holiday schedule. These fields are optional.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
To specify the day (or days) of the week that the cycle runs, select the applicable checkbox (or checkboxes). The schedule IDs specified on the Basic Info tab must be active on the days of the week specified on this tab. For example, if ExampleEquip schedule runs on Mondays, then the Monday checkbox on this tab must be selected.
Tip: If the schedule applies only to holidays, leave the weekday checkboxes blank.
Holiday type ID
Identifier of the holiday schedule. The holiday can be a day of the week that the schedule does not normally run, such as a Saturday schedule running on a Monday holiday. The schedule IDs specified on the Basic Info tab must have the same holiday schedule. This field has a list box. The holiday description displays to the right of the ID.
Holiday types are defined on the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Holidays screen.