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Rental Rates

The Rental Rates tab for pool vehicle and resource types enables you to define the rental rates to charge for usage of equipment units assigned to specific pool vehicle types. You also can specify cancellation rates.

When an equipment unit dispatched on a motor pool reservation is returned, the rental rates specified for the reservation’s pool vehicle type (specified in the Pool vehicle type for rental rates field on the Vehicle Requirements tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Motor Pool Center screen) are used to calculate the rental charges for use of the unit. See Rental charge calculation of motor pool vehicles.

To charge different rental rates to different departments, set the pool vehicle type rental rates on this screen to the lowest values you want to apply to any department. Then define the amount you want to mark up the rate for each department on the Rates and Markups tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Departments -> Primary Information screen.

The system charges the lowest appropriate rate. For example, if the customer rents a pool vehicle type for 5 days (1 work week) and the type has a daily rental rate of $5 ($25 for 5 days) and a weekly rate of $20, the lesser of the two is charged: $20 at the weekly rate.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Pool vehicle/resource type

Type of pool vehicle selected in the grid. This field has a list box. The type description displays to the right of the field.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the rental and cancellation rates for the pool vehicle type. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Effective date

Beginning date of the rate per hour charged for use of the pool vehicle type.

Rate per hour

Amount to charge for each hour of usage of the pool vehicle type.

One day minimum

If this field has a check, a minimum 1 day of usage is charged for equipment units of this pool vehicle type.

Convert part day to full

If this field has a check, a minimum of 1 full day’s usage is charged for an equipment unit of this pool vehicle type.

Rate per day

Amount per unit to charge for each day of usage of the pool vehicle type.

Rate per week

Amount per unit to charge for each week of usage of the pool vehicle type.

Rate per month

Amount per unit to charge for each month of usage of the pool vehicle type.

One-way rate

Amount per unit to charge for one-way usage of the pool vehicle type (the equipment unit is returned to a location other than the dispatch location).

Rate per meter 1 unit

Amount to charge for each unit of meter 1 usage of the pool vehicle type. This amount can have up to three decimal places.

Qty free meter 1 units per day

Number of meter 1 units, per day, for which there is no charge for using the pool vehicle type.

Rate per late hour

Amount to charge for each hour an equipment unit of this pool vehicle type is late being returned.

Rate per late day

Amount to charge for each day an equipment unit of the pool vehicle type is late being returned.

Rate per no-show

Amount to charge for failure to pick up a reserved equipment unit of the pool vehicle type from the dispatch location.

Rate per cancellation

Amount to charge for cancellation of a reserved equipment unit of the pool vehicle type from the dispatch location.

Charge full day for any usage within calendar times

If this field has a check, a full day's rental is charged for each calendar day in the rental period even if the actual time elapsed is less than that. This option is useful if your rate rules dictate, for example, that a rental picked up at 3:00 p.m. one day and returned at 10:00 a.m. the next day should be charged for two full days.

Minimum total charge

Minimum amount to charge for the pool vehicle type. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.