Capital |
Note: This tab is only available if the Capital Planning module is activated. Linear assets do not display on the Asset Management screen. Use the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.
The Capital tab enables you to record key capital planning information for assets. Replacement and rehabilitation costs as well as the expected date (and meter) for replacement and rehabilitation are provided for comparison and capital planning purposes. The information provided can help you determine whether replacement or rehabilitation makes better fiscal sense and budget accordingly.
If the asset is assigned to a capital project (or projects), that information displays on this tab. If those projects are linked to capital plans, that information displays as well.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can search on equipment ID, serial number, asset category ID, SLA equipment category, assigned repair location ID, and department ID, among other values. The list of searchable fields on the filter is extensive; use the scroll bar to view them all.
The Asset Primary screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.
The field in the top section of this tab defaults from the information entered on the Basic Info tab. The field is display only.
Equipment ID
Identifier of the linear asset currently selected in the grid. The asset description displays to the right of the ID.
Asset type
The type of asset.
The data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab provide more information about the capital asset. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.
Capital category ID
Identifier of the capital category. This field has a list box. The description displays the right of the ID. Capital categories are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Capital Categories screen.
Note: This field is set individually for equipment units. It is not automatically assigned to the equipment by type.
Capital priority ID
Identifier of the capital priority. This field has a list box. The description displays the right of the ID. Capital priorities are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Capital Priorities screen.
Note: This field is set individually for equipment units. It is not automatically assigned to the equipment by type.
Procurement lead months
Number of months required for lead time in procuring the equipment.
Procurement start date
Date equipment procured.
Inflation factor
Value used for inflation rate calculation. The “Calculate expected capital replacement cost using inflation rate” option on Equipment Units > Setup > Options Screen must be enabled if you want the inflation rate calculated into the replacement cost.
Expected useful life
Expected useful life in months.
Expected useful life of meter.
Values in the following fields can either be looked up and calculated automatically or entered into the fields directly.
Minimum date: Earliest date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the linear asset may need to be replaced. When populated automatically, the minimum date equals the actual in-service date specified on the Acquisition tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen plus the minimum months of useful life specified on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen.
Expected date: Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the linear asset is expected to need to be replaced. When populated automatically, the expected date equals the actual in-service date specified on the Acquisition tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen plus the expected months of useful life specified on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen.
Replacement cost: Cost to replace the linear asset. The “Calculate expected capital replacement cost using inflation rate” option on Equipment Units > Setup > Options Screen must be enabled if you want the inflation rate calculated into the replacement cost. Otherwise, it will default with the original cost value. Upon changing either Original Cost (Acquisition Tab), Inflation Factor (Capital Tab), or Expected Life Months (Capital Tab), the replacement cost (on the Capital Tab) will be calculated and set automatically. Data points used to calculate replacement cost include:
Original Cost from asset (if not available, replacement cost from equipment type)
Inflation Factor
Expected Life Months
Minimum meter: Minimum meter reading at which the linear asset may need to be replaced. Must be a positive number. When populated automatically, the minimum reading equals the useful life minimum meter reading specified on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen.
Expected meter: Meter reading at which the linear asset is expected to need to be replaced. Must be a positive number. When populated automatically, the expected reading equals the useful life expected meter reading specified on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen.
Calculated at: Replacement cost calculated from inflation factor on date specified.Upon changing either Original Cost (Acquisition Tab), Inflation Factor (Capital Tab), or Expected Life Months (Capital Tab), the calculated at field will be set automatically.
Prior value: Prior expected replacement cost. Upon changing either Original Cost (Acquisition Tab), Inflation Factor (Capital Tab), or Expected Life Months (Capital Tab), the prior value field will be set automatically.
Expected date: Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the linear asset is expected to need rehabilitation. Defaults to the in-service date (specified on the Acquisition tab) plus the number of months of expected useful life (from the More Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen).
Expected meter: Meter reading at which the linear asset is expected to need rehabilitation. Defaults from the value in the Expected rehab cycle meter field on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen. Must be a positive number if entered.
Rehabilitation cost: Cost of the linear asset's rehabilitation. Defaults from the value in the Expected rehabilitation cost field on the More Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Types -> Primary Information screen. Must be a positive number if entered.
Tip: You may use Administrator Mode to modify the following four fields and add custom lists.
Text field in which to describe the asset's sustainability or associated sustainability program. Maximum field length is 30 characters.
Climate resiliency
Text field in which to describe the asset's climate resiliency (e.g., susceptible to climate change or replaced early due to a climate event). Maximum field length is 30 characters.
Text field in which to describe environmental factors associated with the asset (e.g., in a flood plain or flagged as environmentally monitored, such as grease pits). Maximum field length is 30 characters.
Capital comment
Text field in which to provide comments regarding the asset. Maximum field length is 120 characters.
The Capital projects featuring this asset screen group lists all the capital projects to which the asset is assigned. All fields are display only.
Capital projects are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Capital Projects screen.
Capital project ID: Identifier of the capital project.
Description: Text description of the project.
Status: Status of the project.
Fiscal year: Fiscal year (in YYYY forrmat) during which the project started.
Capital category ID: Identifier of the capital category associated with the project.
Priority ID: Identifier of the project priority.
Program category ID: Identifier of the category associated with the program.
Program ID: Identifier of the capital program. Capital programs are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Setup -> Capital Programs screen.
Initiator: Identifier of the individual who initiated the project.
Name: Name of the project initiator.
Champion: Identifier of the individual who championed the project.
Name: Name of the project champion.
Sponsor: Identifier of the individual who sponsored the project.
Name: Name of the project sponsor.
Project manager: Identifier of the project manager.
Name: Name of the project manager.