How to open a batch import template in a text editor |
Tip: The following procedure is for advanced users only.
The import template file currently has one record, the one you created to generate the file. You now need to populate it with the rest of the import files you want processed. Each import file must be on a separate line and must be preceded by the ID of the screen on which the transaction will be performed. You may include as many import files as you like, but they must be for only one screen and one transaction type.
Step 1. In a text editor, open the .imp file you just created.
The file opens as a comma-separated value file.
Step 2. If you are creating an insert file or a modify file, go to step 3. If you are creating a delete file, replace the M at the beginning of the third line with a D.
Note: If you do not replace the M the system will modify the records rather than delete them.
Step 3. To populate the file, copy the entire third line as many times as needed to create the import file you want. Each record must be on a separate line.
Step 4. Modify each record to make it unique. If the file contains duplicate records, they will be rejected during batch processing and you will need to make corrections prior to rerunning the batch.
Note: If you need help determining the different elements of the .imp file, refer to the illustrated import file template in text editor.
Step 5. Delete all data after the last data value in the file.
Step 6. Save and close the .imp file.
The next step in the process is to create a command file. Having used an advanced technique to populate the import file, it is assumed that you can use an advanced technique to create a command file. If this is not the case, you should return to the Create Batch Import Template topic and perform the procedure for populating an import file template using an Excel spreadsheet.
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Create a command file (advanced users)
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