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How to create a command file

After you create an import file in an Excel spreadsheet, you must create and execute a command file (.cmd) to perform batch processing. You can execute any number of import files. You can also use a command file to run reports.  

Command files are created in a text editor such as WordPad or Notepad.

Step 1.  In a text editor, open the batch import file (.imp file) that you want to run.

The .imp file opens as a comma-separated values file.

Step 2.   Delete the extra commas at the end of the first two rows of data.

Step 3.   Save and close the updated file.

Step 4.   In a new text document, write a DOS command file to start the batch processing import. The command file must include the following information:

Example: Screen ID C:\Filepath\Filename.imp

Step 5.   Save the command file you created in step 4 with a .cmd extension. You are encouraged to save it using the same name as the data file for easy reference.

After you create the command file, you can execute batch processing.

Next step in the process:

Execute batch processing

Previous steps:

Batch processing overview

Determine processing type

Create batch import template

Open import template in Excel / Open import template in text editor


See Also

Create a command file to run a report

Display a field's properties (screen, window, and control IDs; and table and column name)