Enterprise Purchasing - Requisitions |
The Requisitions screen enables you to view, update, insert, and delete requisitions. Requisitions define the need for a part or service. You can generate them automatically from a replenishment run or create them manually to procure non-stock parts and services. If applicable, you can follow your internal purchasing rules and create a requisition prior to creating a purchase order or sending items out to bid. You can enter line items and associate related work orders, direct issues, attributes, and files with the requisition. Line items can include stock parts, non-stock parts, fees, and commercial work.
Location level security applies to this screen; go to location level control for more information.
To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.
General information about the requisition, such as location, status, vendor, account, and dates/times
Employee (or employees) who requested, ordered, and closed the requisition
Free-form text comments regarding either the requisition or individual line items
List of every item being purchased (e.g., parts, office supplies, shipping fees, service charges)
Associate specific line item costs with specific work orders
User-entered notes regarding the requisition or individual line items
Associate attributes with either the requisition or individual line items
Associate files with either the requisition or individual line items
Details, attributes, notes, and files associated with a specific requisition