More Info |
The More Info tab provides additional information about the requisition, including the replenishment batch ID.
Tip: To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on requisition ID, location, vendor, status, purchase type, approval, employee ID (requester, buyer), to/from dates, and equipment ID, among other values.
Note: Unless you specify a header status, filtering on equipment ID returns all items in all statuses that apply to that ID.
Location level security applies to this tab; go to location level control for more information.
The field in the top section of the More Info tab is display only from the Basic Info tab.
Requisition ID
Identifier of the requisition either being defined or that is currently selected in the grid. The requisition description displays to the right of the field.
Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab list the employee IDs and other information associated with different aspects of the requisition. These fields are optional.
Employee IDs
Requested by
Identifier of the employee who requested the items. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID.
Identifier of the buyer who ordered the items. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID.
Ordered by
Identifier of the employee who submitted the requisition to the vendor. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID.
Tip: If this field is blank when the requisition status is changed to OPEN on the Basic Info tab, this field auto-populates with the employee ID associated with the user ID currently logged in.
Closed by
Identifier of the employee who closed the requisition. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID.
Replenishment batch ID
Identifier of the replenishment batch. Display only from the Generate tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Replenishment screen.
Miscellaneous 1
Free-form text field. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.
Miscellaneous 2
Free-form text field. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.
Miscellaneous 3
Free-form text field. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.
Miscellaneous 4
Free-form text field. The maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.
Funding source ID
Identifier of the grant or capital funding source for the requisition. This field has a list box. This field is optional.
Note: If your organization does not use the Capital Planning module, the choicelist does not display, and you may use this field however you want.
Funding sources are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Capital Planning -> Funding Sources screen.
Notification template
Identifier of the notification template. When the record is processed, a notification instance ID based on the template data is generated and recorded on the purchasing object. Only applies if the purchasing object does not have a notification instance ID already. This field has a list box and a zoom button to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Notification Template screen. This field is optional.
Notification templates are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Notification Template screen.
Notification status
Status of the notification. This field has a zoom button to the Notification Instance screen. This field is display only.