Standards Calculation |
The Standards Calculation screen enables you to update or create standard hours for class/task or class/task and work accomplished code based on historical labor postings. You can generate standards for one task or all tasks.
Labor standards enable you to compare technicians against the standard or other technicians, compare the length of time required to do jobs on different equipment, and facilitates better, more precise shop scheduling.
You can use wildcards (%) in the parameters to calculate standards for a group of classes and/or a group of tasks. If you use work accomplished codes regularly, you can specify this as well. Separate standard hours are generated for each work accomplished code for the class/task.
Once a standard has been determined, it displays on the Standards tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen. If you subsequently update the standard labor hours manually, the Standards tab will not indicate that the hours were generated. This functionality applies to standard labor hours defined by class/task combination as well as standard hours defined by class/task and work accomplished code.
The standards calculation may produce a negative value, because negative labor hours are allowed on work orders.
Standards Calculations incorporates task multipliers from labor records into the calculations.
Automatic calculation of labor standard hours based on historical data
Earliest date of actual data
Earliest date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) on which to base the standard. Only those entries that are greater than or equal to the specified date are included in the standards calculation.
Select either Apply Calculated or Calculate Proposed.
Apply Calculated: Apply the calculated hours
Calculate Proposed: Used to calculate proposed labor hours based on past data.
Minimum number of entries
Minimum number of entries required for the system to generate a standard. Defaults to 3.
Equipment class for standards: Equipment class for the standard. This field has a list box. Equipment classes are defined on the Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen.
Task ID: Identifier of the task. This field has a list box. Task IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.
Work accomplished code: Work accomplished code associated with the standard. This field has a list box. Work accomplished codes are defined on the Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.