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More Info

The More Info tab enables you to define how equipment unit data is handled. Data in the fields in the Equipment unit setup options section of this tab define general information about the setup options for equipment units. You can also maintain the assigned locations or departments of attached components based on changes made to the parent equipment unit. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Prefix characters for automatically generated component equipment IDs

Prefix used as the first characters for a new component equipment ID generated by entering a new serial part that has a template equipment ID defined on the More Info tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen. When a component equipment ID is created, this prefix is used followed by a seven-digit sequential number, including the leading zeroes.

Require station location ID for equipment units

If this field has a check, a valid location is required in Station location fields.

Require station location ID to match first __ characters of department ID

If this field has a value greater than 0, station locations entered for equipment units, operators, and service level agreements (but not for employees) must match the specified number of characters of the department ID assigned to the equipment unit, operator, or service level agreement. If this field has a zero (0), the matching requirement is disabled.

Maximum number of future years for valid equipment year

Number of years into the future for which you can specify the model year when you define an equipment unit on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Synchronize assigned location changes from parent to attached components

If this field has a check, location changes for parent equipment units are applied to all attached components. The change occurs only if the component is assigned to the same location as the parent equipment unit. The following equipment locations are affected:

Synchronize assigned department changes from parent to attached components

If this field has a check, department changes for parent equipment units are applied to all attached components. The change occurs only if the component is assigned to the same department as the parent equipment unit. The following department locations are affected:

Maintain data to allow for extending PM and inspection schedules based on days out of service

If equipment is out of service for an extended period of time, the PM schedule does not change. For some services, however, extending the next due date is appropriate if the equipment will be non-operational for a long period. If this field has a check and the equipment status changes to or from IN SERVICE or WORK FINISHED, the date and time of the action are tracked and the number of days the equipment was out of service is calculated. The out-of-service days are then applied to the PM schedule.

Only equipment units associated with work orders that were created after this option is set will be tracked and selected on the Data -> Equipment Management -> PM Schedule Out of Service Extension screen.

Calculate expected capital replacement cost using inflation rate

If this field has a check, the inflation rate is used to calculate the unit's replacement cost.

Inflation factor

Current inflation factor as a percentage value. This rate is used in connection with replacement cost calculations performed during end of period yearly processing. (Refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen.) Optional.

Earnings rate

Current earnings (interest) rate as a percentage value. This rate is used in connection with replacement cost calculations performed during end of period yearly processing. Refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen. This field is optional.

Revenue account ID

This field has a list box that specifies whether each equipment unit must be associated with a revenue account ID. It determines the level of checking performed for the Revenue account ID on the Accounts tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Depreciation method

The default depreciation method. If a depreciation method was not assigned to the equipment unit on the Ownership and Depreciation tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen, equipment unit depreciation is calculated using the method specified in this field. This field has a list box.

Set top-level parent equipment ID on existing component relationships

If you press the Set top-level parent equipment ID on existing component relationships button, the top-level parent ID is set for every component that is linked to it. If there is no link, no action is taken.