End of Period |
The End of Period screen enables you to control the processing required at the end of daily, monthly, and annual periods. You can also reset purchase order, work order, warranty claims, and motor pool reservation numbering.
End-of-period and end of period-monthly processing are tracked. If you attempt to run end of period-monthly for months out of order, a warning message displays.
System date
Internal system date. It is the same as the organization’s base time zone, which is the time zone in which the application and database servers are located.
This section enables you to specify the type of end-of-period processing you want to perform and reset numbering.
End of day
Place a check in this field to run end-of-day processing. The following workflows are included in end-of-day processing:
Reset Part Primary and Part Location
Part Primary daily values are reset. These values are used for Centralized Purchasing. In an Enterprise Purchasing environment these will always be zero.
Part Location daily values are reset. These values are updated by Enterprise Purchasing. Daily values are only used for reporting purposes. All daily values will be reset on the Part Location Info table (PLO_MAIN).
Motorpool Status Updates
Reservations in CONFIRMED/COMMITTED status are changed to NO SHOW, and no-show billing charges are applied to the reservation.
Reservations in STANDBY status are converted to EXPIRED status.
Reservations in DISPATCHED status and past due are converted to LATE status while updating pool availability statistics for these late vehicles.
Equipment SLA Status
Retrieves vehicles with a current SLA status of WORK FINISHED and changes the SLA status to IN SERVICE.
Equipment usage for month ____ Year ____
Place a check in this field to run equipment usage processing, which affects non-pool usage transactions only. You must specify a month (i.e., 1–12) and year (i.e., 1905–2999). The month/year combination must be greater than the month/year combination in the Date last run field and the same as or earlier than the system date.
For each usage transaction recorded during the month, the system calculates the portion of the monthly base rate to charge. The type of apportionment used for each equipment class ID is specified on the Rental Rates tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen.
The month_processed and year_processed columns on the USG_MAIN table are set for motor pool usage tickets posted during the period (base charges are not apportioned to motor pool usage tickets).
Tip: You can only run equipment usage processing once for a single month/year combination.
If you do not run equipment usage processing for one or more months, calculations are automatically adjusted to recover the base rental charges for the skipped months and the allowances for free meter units per month increased appropriately.
Note: When a base charge is apportioned among various usage tickets, charges computed using the Special Meter 1 Rate are not considered.
End of month for month ____ Year ____
Place a check in this field to run end-of-month processing.
You must specify a month (i.e., 1–12) and year (i.e., 1905–2999). The month/year combination must be greater than the month/year combination in the Date last run field and the same as or earlier than the system date. It also may not be greater than the month/year combination in the Equipment usage for month ____ year ____ field.
The following workflows are included in end-of-month processing:
The monthly lease cost to equipment units displays in the Lease expense field on the Other tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Historical Costs screen
Vendor information
Resets the monthly total business accumulator in the Vendor (VEN_MAIN) table
Records snapshots of the end-of-month quantity on hand and value on hand for each part. The values are recorded in the appropriate month and year for each part in the PTS_COUNT and PLO_COUNT tables.
Populates the Reading snapshot at end of month field (using the EQ_COST_DATA.ACCT_eom_acct_code) on the Meters and Fuel tab and the Account ID assigned - end of month snapshot field (using the EQ_COST_DATA meter_1_eom and meter_2_eom) on the Other tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Historical Costs screen.
For the month of December only, generates all existing calendars for the next year. You should therefore review the holiday settings on each calendar ID prior to running this process. If a calendar ID does not have holidays set up for next year, a message box displays after the process has completed. You may want to review your holidays and regenerate those calendars. Holidays are associated with calendar IDs on the Holidays tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Calendars screen.
Facility summary information
Updates the Facility Summary Report’s month-end totals and the month-end inventory status for each location.
Purge obsolete database entries
If this field has a check, obsolete entries are purged. The status of bids, requisitions, and purchase orders is set to CLOSED if all line items are closed. When obsolete entries are purged, the following actions occur:
All database items that have a transaction date older than the specified retention period are deleted
All closed purchase orders with an order status of CLOSED and all purchase orders on which every line item has a status of CLOSED are deleted if the purchase orders have a date closed older than the specified retention period.
All completed general import runs are deleted based on two criteria:
There is a check in the Processing completed field on the Import Data Load tab of the Data -> General Import -> Import screen
The number of days between the import start date/time and the purge run date is greater than the number of days the data is to be retained
All purchase orders with an order status of OPEN on which every line item has a status of CLOSED are closed. They are deleted if they have a date closed older than the specified retention period
For FuelFocus, all posted, re-posted, or skipped rows in FUEL_TRANSACTIONS that are older than the retention period specified for fuel tickets are deleted. Matching records in the FUEL_TRANS_DATA table are also deleted. If the retention parameter is set to 0 (zero), no records are deleted.
Retention information for functional areas is specified on the Retention Levels tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Table Management screen. Import start dates and times and whether processing was completed are specified on the Import Data Load tab of the Data -> General Import -> Import screen.
For a list of screens that generate purchase orders, go to Purchasing.
End of year
If this field has a check, end-of-year processing is run. Replacement cost information for each equipment unit in the Equipment Master (EQ_MAIN) table is computed and the year-to-date total business accumulator values in the Vendor (VEN_MAIN) table are reset.
Economic order quantity calculations
If this field has a check, economic order quantity (EOQ) is calculated. EOQ parameters are recalculated for all parts in the Parts Master (PTS_MAIN) table. The calculated order quantity is overridden so that it never exceeds the total number used during the past 12 months. A 30-day lead time for order delivery is assumed if no lead time data are available (because the part was never ordered).
The reorder point, reorder quantity, and safety stock values are calculated as 0 if there has been negative total usage for the part during the previous 12 months.
Tip: The EOQ calculation deletes the current values for reorder point, reorder quantity, and safety stock level for all parts other than those specified to not calculate EOQ values automatically. To retain current values for these items, do NOT perform EOQ calculations (i.e., leave the checkbox blank).
Capital score calculations for month ____ Year ____
Month: Month that will be used to calculate a capital score. Optional, but must be a value between 1 and 12 if specified.
Note: The year may be zero and the month have a valid value.
Year: Year that will be used to calculate a capital score. Optional, but must be a year between 1753 and 2999 if specified.
Note: The month may be zero and the year have a valid value.
Date last run
The last date on which the specified type of processing occurred.
Month/year last processed
The last month and year that equipment usage and end-of-month processing were completed.
Tip: If you attempt to run end-of-month processing either out of sequence or more than once for the same month, a warning message appears.
Reset numbering for new year
The Reset numbering for new year button provides access to the PO/Work Order/Warranty Claim Renumbering screen, which enables you to reset purchase order, work order, warranty claim, and motor pool reservation numbering. Ideally, you should complete this step after the close of business in the current year and before the start of business in the new year.