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Report Setup

Queries/Reports -> Facility Summary Report

The Report Setup tab enables you to specify the data categories to include on the Facility Summary Report.

To provide values that are normally computed during end-of-period monthly processing, certain calculations are performed for each location you request before printing the report. These values are required at report time to ensure that the reported data is correct. This processing occurs in all subject areas of the report (for each location you request), even if you limit the scope of the printed data to only a few subject areas. Refer to calculations.

Include on report

Data in the bottom section of this tab define the categories that appear on the Facility Summary Report. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information:


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information:


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information.


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information.


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information.


If any of the following fields has check, it indicates that the report shows the appropriate information.