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An equipment unit has been dispatched from the required location for the reservation.

You can:

When you insert or update a reservation with a status of DISPATCHED, if the Printer ID field on the Output Control tab contains data, a reservation ticket is printed.

You cannot delete reservations with this status.

If the Vehicle Requirements tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Motor Pool Center screen specifies that the pool vehicle type for availability is an outside rental agency vehicle type, AGENCY displays in the Equipment ID field on the Dispatch tab of the Motor Pool Center screen.

An equipment unit assigned to a reservation with a DISPATCHED status displays a motor pool dispatch status of OUT on the Motor Pool tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

During end-of-day processing on the System Mgmt -> End-of-Period screen, reservations with a status of DISPATCHED are examined. If the Date and time of expected return field has passed, the status of those reservations automatically changes to LATE, late charges are applied, and the date and time due is adjusted. See adjustment rules for date and time due.