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The Dispatch tab, available if the optional Motor Pool module is installed, enables you to display and define information about the dispatch of equipment units for CONFIRMED reservations. To delete the dispatch of a reservation, change the value in the Status field on the Status/Other Info tab to CONFIRMED.

The Motor Pool Center screen supports location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations in order to make changes or updates. See Location level access - Motor Pool Center.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Reservation ID

Identifier of the reservation selected in the grid or that you are defining. This number is assigned to each new reservation. This field has a list box.

The reservation must have the value CONFIRMED in the Status field on the Status/Other Info tab.

The structure (i.e., STANDARD, CUSTOM, or NONE) for motor pool reservation IDs is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Setup -> Options screen.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the dispatch information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Dispatch now

If this field has a check, the value in the Status field on the Status/Other Info tab changes to DISPATCHED, which automatically sets the Date and time out field to the current date and time.

The following two fields specify the equipment unit to dispatch. You can enter information in either field, and the associated information will display in the corresponding field.

Date and time out

Date and time of the dispatch. The current system date and time display, but you can change it. It cannot be later than the current system date.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit to dispatch. This field has a list box of all equipment units of the pool vehicle type specified in the Pool vehicle type for availability field on the Vehicle Requirements tab, plus all equipment units of all other pool vehicle types that are associated (on the Other Types tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Setup -> Pool Vehicle Types screen) with that pool vehicle type, at the dispatch location specified on the Vehicle Requirements tab. The year, manufacturer, and model of the equipment unit display to the right of the ID.

Required unless the motor pool dispatch location to which the equipment unit is assigned has a check in the Reservations dispatched and returned automatically field on the Motor Pool tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

If the Vehicle Requirements tab specifies a pool vehicle type for availability that the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Setup -> Pool Vehicle Types screen specifies as an outside rental agency vehicle type, AGENCY displays in this field. You cannot change it.

See Rules of rental pool availability. If you click the Zoom button , you can view additional details about the equipment unit on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

License number

License number of the equipment unit. This field is optional.

Meter 1 reading

This field displays the reading on the unit’s meter 1 at the time of the dispatch, but you can change it. If you do, the current meter reading for the unit on the Equipment Master (EQ_MAIN) table is updated. If the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen assigns the equipment ID to an equipment class for meter types for which the Meter Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen specifies this meter as a meter type of NONE, the value in this field must be zero.

Meter 1 validation

Specifies whether and how meter validation is performed on the meter 1 reading at the time of dispatch. This field has a list box of either EQ UPD or NO EQ UPD. Refer to meter validation fields.

Current Location

The current location of the motor pool vehicle.

Parking stall

Identifier of the parking stall to which the unit is assigned. This field is optional. Displays automatically when a reserved equipment unit is dispatched.